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Edgar POV
"Ah, I see you've met our new student!" Hana told me as she called the other kids in. I took a seat on a nearby chair, stretching my feet out. This girl—Colette—was interrupting our outside games time. Hopefully she wasn't going no take up to much of our time.

All of my friends poured into the room, murmuring and muttering among themselves as they surveyed the white-haired girl standing in the hallway and looking around, clutching what looked like a scrapbook tightly and pressing it against her chest.

"She looks weird," Aditi, one of my friends in the orphanage, told me. "Why is she hugging that weird book? What is that anyways?"

I was about to respond when Hana walked up to Colette and introduced us to her. Tuning it out, I stretched my legs out further as I continued to talk to Aditi, "Eh, I think that's a scrapbook. But she is kinda odd."

"What are you guys talking about?" James asked as he pushed his seat closer to us.

"I don't know, don't you think Colette's kinda weird?" Aditi told him. "She was literally looking around the hallway like she's never seen a building—or colours, for that matter. And she keeps hugging that scrapbook thing to herself, like it's full of secrets or something."

James shrugged, "It's kinda cute."

Both of us turned to stare at him, and his face flushed as he changed the subject quickly, "I think I've seen her before somewhere..."

"Yeah," I agreed, shifting my position to face him properly as I began, "I've—"

A loud shriek, then a crash, interrupted me.

Colette POV
The nice person in charge of the orphanage introduced me to everyone, including the guy in the scarf who had been kinda rude just now. His name was Edgar, apparently. And I got the feeling that he didn't like me. During the whole talk, he was ignoring what Hana was saying and chattering to his friends.

Actually, if I was honest to myself, he was kinda cute. But he probably didn't think about me that way, so never mind. Maybe things would change in the future.

"Okay, Colette, you can go sit down beside Edgar there. I need to talk to everyone about what we're going to do next. Oh, and put down your book, by the way. Don't carry it everywhere, you won't need it."

I walked towards the dark-haired boy in the scarf, spying the empty seat beside him. But before I could sit down, without warning, his leg swept around and hit me right in the knees. My legs buckled, and with a shriek, I tumbled to the floor and hit my head.

Colette POV (Present)
"What?" Everyone gasped at the same time.

"Edgar, how could you do that?" Jessie turned to him.

"Wait, guys. Let us tell you the rest of the story," I snapped my fingers to grab their attention.

What they didn't know yet, was that in this story, it wasn't Edgar who was wrong, it was me.

I wish I could change the past.

But it's already past.

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