Patching Things Up (Make-up Pt. 2)

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Edgar POV
I watched as six of the officers ran back to their large vehicle, a blue truck that probably held all kinds of equipment in it, ready for any kind of situation that could suddenly erupt into chaos.

Well, at least they helped before things went nuclear. That's what I liked about Brawltopia. It was safe and secure, always full of people that would help clean up any messes.

The other six of the SSOs were still standing by the broken pipe, which was still spewing out the green gas, but at a slower rate with each passing second. As fast as the smoke was released, it was sucked back into the vacuum cleaners.

Finally, the officers brought one entire box of things—some which I did not recognise, some of which I did. I could spot superglue, nails, screwdrivers and what seemed like a giant piece of curved ceramic. I looked on at how they would handle the situation.

I was always amazed by their ability to react calmly and deftly to every situation, coming up with creative solutions to solve the problem. Last time, when the neighbouring house caught fire, they arrived quickly and swiftly puts out the fire, stopping the fire from spreading to our orphanage just in time. That was the day I developed a sense of respect for our Brawltopian SSOs.

The officers lined the sides of the broken pipe with the superglue, then used a tool, enhanced with the magical powers of a matter-controller to carve the ceramic into a perfect match for the hole. Then, they stuck the ceramic onto the pipe, strengthened it with nails and finally sealed the small openings with some sort of paste that had to be made with some Brawltopian's powers. Which one exactly, I was unsure, but I was betting that it was a Gnome.

The officers finally entered our orphanage, telling us, "It was just a small issue with the pipe. The gas has all been cleared from the clearing, so you are free to leave now, or just go outside. We'll be testing the gas for any signs of poisoning, as some of you have testified that it blinds your vision."

Okay, now that that was over, I needed to patch things up with Colette, just like they had patched the pipe up.

Maybe, the best way was just to tell her the truth.

So when Hana told us, "Free time for now, we'll have lunch in half an hour kids!" I headed towards her and asked, "Colette?"

Edgar POV (Present)
"Master Senc, you've reached your destination," the pilot announced to Fang.

"Thank you, Armand!" Fang said, before the seven of us and Tina got off the plane promptly. We had just been transported to a tall, floating castle up in the sky, right on the castle grounds. The entire hovering mini-city was about the size of those human buildings was it called? Birmingham Palace? But it was still a bit larger.

Not even close to half the size of Fang's gigantic castle-palace-mansion-house, though.

We quickly entered the castle, glancing at the beautiful sonata of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Basically, the four seasons mixed together into one beautiful melody.

Once we reached the conference hall, where the summit would be held, we marveled at its size. It was basically taking up half of the entire castle. The hall was split into four sections; the seating on the left was occupied by the opposers of the unification movement, barely a few dozen people ; the middle was full of the Retropolians who believed that the unification would be better for both countries ; the right was the crowd of Brawltopian government ministers and officials.

And lastly, the stage in front of the seating areas was one grand, three-legged table, each side for each of the most prominent figures in each face of the movement. And on the Brawltopian side, among the twenty seats, our names were marked clearly on seven of the regal chairs.

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