A Reunion

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Edgar POV (Present)
Colette and I went back to paying attention to John's announcement, and which went on for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality, was just like ten minutes. When he finished, everyone cheered as he placed another Brawltopian crown on the lead delegate of Retropolis.

For me, I was just clapping because I was so excited the ceremony was over.

But it was kind of a relief that finally, after we had been through so much crap, so much of Retropolis' schemes and attacks, so much negotiations, even that completely boring summit, we were finally now going to make the big move, and bring peace.

We were finally going to unify our countries, into a giant empire.

It was a reunion after five thousand years, when Retropolis and Brawltopia had first split up because of a giant power struggle and separation because of power differences, since Brawltopians had magical powers but Retropolis didn't have any, leaving them weak and defenseless as Albert had said himself.

Yep, I was revising for an Ancient History pop quiz in the next week. I really hated that subject so much, probably because of the snooty teacher. She was...really annoying.

Just when everyone filed off after the ceremony finished, the seven of us were leaving when two people stepped in front of us.

Even though it wasn't even raining at all, the two of them stood close together, wrapped in black raincoats, and holding a single black umbrella over their heads, only the most expensive brand that there was in Brawltopia.

Was it...them?

Then the voice from under the umbrella said, "Edgar? Is that you?"

Everyone backed off, giving us some space. Finally, the duo raised their umbrella, revealing their faces.

The female had long, wavy black hair, dark eyes and smooth, pale skin.

The male had the same dark hair, but his eyes were blue, and his skin was rather tanned.

They felt achingly familiar, even though I was certain I had never seen them before.

Maybe I had. Maybe I had just forgotten.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Hi, son," the male said.

By now, all my friends were very far away, leaving me stuck with them. But maybe it was better. I wanted to ask them some questions.

"Why did you leave me all those years ago to go to the orphanage?" I asked.

My mom's eyes clouded with guilt as she told me, "Well...we weren't really ready for a child. We needed to focus on our work, and we didn't have time for you."

"Wait! Are you...Asha and Leonard Aria? The Foreign Affairs Minsters in charge of the Elemental Islands?" I asked realising where I had seen them from.

The only response I had was a nod from the man. Or rather I should call him my dad.

Did they really deserve that title? "Why did you come back, then?" I asked.

"Because...we realised that we made a giant mistake, and having a child was the best thing we ever did. And that we should have kept h8m, because he was the little joy in our life. After we left you, we were stuck in the Elemental Islands every day for the last eleven years. And when we came back trying to find you, you were gone." My mom said.

"Then we found you because you became a hero in our country. John invited us, because he knew you'd come."

"Well...I'm glad to have you back," I whispered, my resolve against them melting. Everyone made mistakes. At least they tried to make up for it.

So I went over and gave them a hug, maybe for the first time in fifteen years.

Colette POV
We were watching Edgar and his parents from afar when yet another voice called, "Colette?"

I turned around to find John, walking over to him.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Hi, girl," A familiar voice piped up from his side.

"Dad?" I gasped, "You're back?"

"Well...since Retropolis is part of Brawltopia now, I'm posted back here," My father whispered. "I'm finally back for you, Colette. Sorry for leaving you for so long."

All the anger and resentment I had towards him previously melted away at the sight of his familiar face, so I ran to h8m and gave him a hug. For the first time in seven years.

Looks like it was all thanks to the Retro War.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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