Convincing Enough (The Summit Pt. 2)

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Edgar POV (Present)
After Colette's speech, she stared directly into Mark's eyes, who flinched a bit as he talked to his colleagues. Murmurs from the crowds, on all three sides, rang across the conference hall.

I caught certain slips of conversation, which all sounded good for the quick enforcement of the unification.

"She's right."

"She has a point."


"Maybe this unification won't be bad at all."

"As an empire, we will be stronger together."

"Let's do it."

"Is there anything else you'd like to say?" One of the friendlier Retropolian ministers, who was on Brawltopia's side, asked, to both sides.

"Actually, yes..." I told them, standing up next to Colette. All of the eyes turned to me, and I felt a lump in my throat, my sweat trickling down my forehead. But I glanced at Colette's proud smile and plucked up my courage, addressing everyone, "To build on Ms Colette's point, I would like to remind you that as a whole unified empire, together, we are much stronger. Should any interstellar wars come to us from other countries like, for example, the Saharas on the nearby planet of Mars, we would be in great danger. The Elemental Islands are very powerful, very volatile and very dangerous. So, if that situation were to really happen, would we be more likely to stand a chance as two divided sides, or as one powerful whole?"

I heard the same murmurings yet again.

Except, this time, they were talking about me.

Yet another two hours passed as more people at the table began to make their own points, some that I hadn't even thought of at all. Both Brawltopians and Retropolians were attempting to convince the opposers, who seemed to be more and more agreeable with the idea as each minute passed.

"Alright," Mark said finally, after a long series of whispers on his team. "Thank you for all the contributions and suggestions. My team has taken it into note, and we'll be doing some careful considering. You'll receive our answer very soon."

"Meeting adjourned," John announced, slamming a gavel on the table. Everybody at the table rose to their feet, while the ones seated below the stage started talking among themselves as they waited to be escorted out.

"How do you think everything went?" Fang asked.

"Not bad, I think," I hoped.

"Good job, guys!" Sandy whooped, a little bit too loudly. "You guys totally convinced the crap out of his arrogant face!"

"Yeah, I think. But depends on whether we were convincing enough to the rats of them as well..." Colette said nervously.

"Oh come on, if they don't change their sides quickly, the Retropolians on our side are literally going to start an uprising against them. There's only a small handful of them now, compared to the rest of the population." Janet laughed, with a slightly fierce tone in her voice.

"Besides," Leon interrupted carefully, trying to give a more not-so-violent answer, "It's probable that they've already been convinced enough, and just need time to talk to the rest of their team. Literally the whole audience was nodding along as Colette and Edgar made their points, followed by all the rest of those people."

"Well, let's just hope that our case was convincing enough," Jessie shrugged.

"Everything will be fine, I'm sure of that," John promised from behind us.

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