A Mistake, A Misunderstanding

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Edgar POV
"What the hell?" I gasped, looking down at my feet. It took me a while to recognise the white-haired girl who had fallen. "Colette?"

The new girl took a while to pick herself up, her face turned nuclear, tossing the white hair out of her eyes and clenching her scrapbook as she rubbed her head and growled, "You did that on purpose, didn't you? Jerk!"

Colette hightailed it out of the room and ran to the "dorm" rooms, sobs and groans escaping from her mouth.

"Edgar, what did you do?" Hana asked me in confusion, with a slightly threatening tone to her voice.

"I have no idea," I answered truthfully. "She suddenly toppled down at my feet when she walked over."

"Yeah, Miss Hana," Aditi agreed helpfully, "Edgar was talking to me, I'm sure he didn't trip Colette on purpose."

"Actually, ma'am, I saw what happened," James piped up.

"Yes, James?" Hana prompted.

James explained, "While Edgar was talking to Aditi, he didn't notice Colette coming towards him. And then when he shifted position to face us properly, he swept his leg out in the process and accidentally hit Colette, causing her to fall."

"Okay," Hana said, turning to me as she asked, "Edgar, can you kindly go to see Colette in her room and tell her that it was all a bit misunderstanding? I need to take everyone else outside for sports time."

"Come on," I groaned, grabbing my scarf, which I had set on a chair, and stalking up the stairs.

This is ridiculous, I thought, I didn't even do anything to Colette, and now I got scolded, plus I have to go to "apologise to her", and waste my outside playtime. She just shouldn't have come.

What I didn't know was that my mentality in a short time would be the opposite. But that wasn't the point right now.

Colette POV
"What a jerk," I cried. "I did nothing to him, and he was so rude, like basically shouting at me. And now he trips me? Forget that I ever liked him. His looks are the only thing he has."

I wiped my tears away as I opened my scrapbook, flipping to a page where my dad and I stood together in front of the Brawltopian castle, where je had brought me to work for the first time. Where I had made my first friend, Fang. I hadn't talked to him in such a long time already. I missed him...he was the only person nice to me.

Unlike Edgar. As I stared at my father smiling, my fury began to build up.

It was all his fault. He left me alone, and now I was stuck in this hellhole, where my first day had already been ruined by this guy.

Angrily, I flipped away, not wanting to see his face. He had abandoned me and left me in this mean world where nobody was my friend, except Fang. And now I didn't even have a way to contact him anymore. I wished I got his number, so that I could talk to him. He could help me.

My eyes drifted to a picture of my mom, on her very last day. She had fallen sick with a long-term illness she got after giving birth to me. So, basically, I was responsible for her death.

Yet she didn't hold that against me. She smiled and took care of me, and her very last words to me had been, "Colette, never stop in the pursuit for happiness."

Those fond, familiar words, had been what I kept in my heart all these years later. And she was right.

If this Edgar jerk wanted to make me unhappy, I was going to fight back for myself.

Then a knocking came at my door.

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