The Manager

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Edgar POV
"You know him?" Colette asked in shock and curiosity.

Hana responded for me, "Yes, Colette, I forgot to introduce him to you. This is Bull, the manager of our whole orphanage. He usually comes by once a week to visit us, every time on Friday, in the late afternoon. Which reminds me, sir, what are you doing here today? It's nice to have a surprise visit from you."

Bull laughed with a deep voice, "Um...I heard that there was a new students today, so I wanted to come over and introduce myself. Looks like I've found her already. Colette, isn't it?"

The white-haired girl stepped forward to shake Bull's hand a bit nervously, then quickly backed into the crowd once he let go.

But she didn't seem to be the only nervous one around here. Bull looked a bit pale, a bit sweaty, and his eyes were darting round and round like those of a crazed animal. And as he pushed his shotgun further into his pocket, I rendered him even more suspicious.

I think he had another reason for coming here today.

Colette POV this weird bull-man with the gun isn't some sort of intruder or something, he's the manager of the orphanage. Can't believe I almost mistook him for a criminal...

Though he certainly does look the part. With that nose ring of his, the sleek black triple-barrel shotgun that could kill with one shot, and his dark, ferocious-looking eyes...he looked like the murderers I saw in movies. Odd.

And he wore one of the Retropolis wristbands. I strongly detested Retropolians, finding them dangerous and unfit for society. The last time a Retropolian made the news, he injured god knows how many people. Luckily there were no casualties.

But ever since then, I felt that the Brawltopian government was giving too much freedom and too many chances to those people. Time and time again, they had only proved to be rebellious and deadly to us, holding some sort of long-lasting bias against us for reasons unknown.

I didn't like this new manager-guy at all.

And I felt like his arrival had something to do with another event going on today, not because of me.

But what?

Edgar POV
Could Bull's arrival be related or affiliated to the sudden appearance of the green smoke? Or we're both just separate coincidences? I wondered. And what was he doing that made Colette think he was some sort of like, dangerous person or criminal?

My eyes drifted to Bull's shotgun, which was clutched tightly in his right hand, as if he was afraid someone would steal it.

But why? Did it hold some sort of significance that we had missed earlier? Was it like some sort of key to a hidden lock that we couldn't find? Was it a secret to unlock the hidden truths deep below?

A quick glance at Colette made me believe she had come to the same conclusion.

Then my mind wandered to the green smoke that we had just suffered from outside the orphanage. Was it related to Bull's arrival? Was it a clue that would lead us to the truth?

Colette suddenly glanced at me, making my face go nuclear as I turned away. I must have been staring at her blankly for way too long.

But one thing's for sure, I'm going to need her help with this mystery.

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