A Ticket

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Edgar POV
The next day after the incident, given that Bull had been arrested for his crimes of exploiting nuclear and radioactive substances, as well as attempted attack against Brawltopia—the mayor of Retropolis, Albert, had denied any involvement or responsibility with the mad criminal, claiming that he had exiled him long ago and telling the Brawltopians to keep him, because he was, and I quote, "Gladly willing to pass him on to Brawltopia's better security forces"—Hana told us that there would be a new manager comin that would be in charge of our orphanage from now on. And that there was some sort of "nice surprise" he or she had planned for us. I wondered what it would be.

So, that afternoon, when there was a knock on the door, I felt myself feeling excited. Hopefully, we would have a nicer manager than Bull. One that wasn't an actually crazily insane criminal from the evil lands of Retropolis.

The door opened, to reveal an old man wearing a blue cap, with thick, white brows and slit black eyes. His smile was spread wide across his face, making him look quite friendly. In his right hand, he held a snowblower, and in his left hand, he held what seemed like an umbrella. He wore a white shirt and blue jeans as well.

"Good morning, kids!" The man said with a kind voice after putting down all of his stuff. "I am the new head of your orphanage, and my name is Galvin. You can just call me Gale for short, I like the nickname better. From now on, Miss Hana and I will be taking care of all of you!"

Everybody looked very happy about our new orphanage-manager slash caretaker, including myself. He was very nice, very friendly, way better than Bull, that was for sure.

"And now for the promise!" Gale said, keeping to his promise. "Miss Hana told all of you about it, right?"

Everyone nodded excitedly and eagerly, impatient to see what this special surprise actually was.

Gale began, "From what I understand, you guys aren't learning properly, and you don't have a proper education. Well, I feel that it's kinda unfair to you children, because this may hold you back from achieving your dreams later on in life."

Everyone nodded like they agreed, but I was secretly unsure what I would want to do later in life. I didn't have any inspirations right now—I only ever thought of staying here at the orphanage.

Of course, I couldn't stay here forever.

But what would I even proceed to do later on?

I turned my attention back to Gale as he continued his announcement, "And this is the special surprise for all of you! From now on, you can get proper education from qualified teachers! I'm giving you a ticket for a proper education!"

"Does that mean teachers will come to our home?" Octavia asked. "And teach us?"

"No," Gale said. "It means that I have a friend, Dr Rosa, who is the principal of a very big school, Central Brawltopia National High, or CBNH for short. And I talked to her recently about this intuition we have. In fact, very recently—yesterday, just. Given that I only knew I would be assigned here yesterday. After a long talk, Dr Rosa finally accepted my request, and is offering a place in her school to everyone in this orphanage who is older than nine years old."

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