A New War

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Colette POV
It must be Hana at the door wanting to talk to me, I thought, drying my eyes one last time before I wrenched the door open.

But it wasn't Hana standing there.

It was a boy with dark blue hair, a scarf wrapped around his neck. Which I didn't get, given that it was so hot right now.

Didn't matter anyways.

"Edgar," I growled angrily.

Edgar's face turned nuclear—just like mine had earlier. "Hi, Colette, um...Miss Hana told me to come up here and—" Edgar began, but I cut him off.

"You can save your fake apology and shove it back down your throat," I snarled. "You wanted to begin a war? Well, here's the beginning for you."

Then I slammed the door as hard as I could in his face.

"I'll never stop the pursuit for happiness, Mom," I whispered to myself, before I collapsed on her bed to take a rest.

It's been a long day for me.

Edgar POV
After Colette had slammed the door closed, I was left standing there, confused as to what I had done wrong. I had put on a nice smile, hadn't I?

As I trudged down the stairs, I thought, Colette really is...kinda...special. In a good way or a bad way, I don't know.

"What am I even going to say to Hana?" I murmured to myself, "That Colette decided to start a war between the two of us just because of one tiny misunderstanding? She sure bears a grudge..."

I finally reached the lawn outside our orphanage, where my friends were playing ecstatically.

"Yo, Edgar, come join us!" James shouted from not far away, tossing and catching a basketball. "I challenge you to see who can land more hoops!"

"Yeah, hurry up," Aditi shouted. "If not I'll have to 0lay against him, and I don't know the slightest thing about basketball." She giggled as she tried to kick one of the basketballs lying around.

I laughed and facepalmed, wishing I could join them. But looks like my mission wasn't over yet.

"Where's Colette, Edgar?" Hana asked from begin me, giving me a scare. "Why isn't she with you? Did you explain things to her?"

I sighed, "Well, I really tried to, but she was seriously in a mood. She told me that "if I wanted to start a war between us, she would give me the war herself". Then she stared muttering to herself about "the pursuit of happiness" and "not letting her down". In case you're wondering, I've no idea what's that about—and I don't know who "her" is. Then she slammed the door on me, refused to open up, so I came down here."

"Well..." Hana shrugged, "I guess we could put off the matter for a while more, maybe let Colette...like, take a rest and cool down before you go talk to her again. I don't think she meant what she said about beginning a war, she was just flaming mad. It just...probably...it isn't the right time to talk to her. Sooner or later, she'll see reason, come to her senses and talk to you."

Hana dismissed me, and I ran over to help Aditi as five words rang in my mind continuously, "It isn't the right time."

That was right after all, because the right time was still a little ways down the road.

And I had no idea yet.

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