Not the Time (Dark Pasts Pt. 2)

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Colette POV

"Sorry, Colette," Dad told me. "I know I'll be leaving you all alone, but Dad needs to go to Retropolis to resolve some matters. Remember what you saw on the news the other day?"

Just three days ago, there was a report of a stabbing incident where some rowdy and probably drunk Brawltopian invaded a Retropolian city and injured or even killed dozens of different people. And since Dad was the Foreign Affairs Minister in charge of our connection with Retropolis, he had to "go there and solve the problems-among other secret issues".

And when I asked what else, all he had responded with was, "It's strictly confidential."

So I had to watch as he boarded the jet and took off, and I was escorted to my new home-the Orphanage of Brazilian Brawltopia, a place where Dad had arranged for me to stay.

My new home looked terrifying; it had light-blue, freshly painted walls,  a number of shining glass windows and a giant sign that seemed like it was just put up yesterday. It was too perfect. Too intimidatingly perfect. Making it even worse was the powerful lightning bolt that seemed to strike the building as I got out of the car, carrying a black umbrella and pulling my black raincoat tighter around myself as I murmured, "I miss my old home..."

Well, too late for that regret. Dad was gone, walking out of my life like Mom. Except he had a choice. Mom...didn't.

Not the time to dredge up these issues yet.

I walked to the giant brown doors and knocked timidly, making sure my umbrella was tilted to hide my face. I waited for what seemed like an eternity before I heard approaching footsteps. Then the door swung open.

Edgar POV

I was still reeling from those revelations that Hana had unveiled, when a soft knocking came from the door.

"Help me get it, Edgar!" Hana called from the kitchen.

I trudged down to the entrance, and pulled open the door to see who it was. 

Then I gasped.

Black raincoat...

Black umbrella, tilted towards the ground to hide the face...

Could it be?

Before I could change my mind, I stammered, "Are you..."

The figure lifted the umbrella up, only to reveal a white-haired, petite girl with dark eyes. "I'm Colette. The new person coming to this orphanage."

I scowled. I thought it had been my parents, finally coming back for me. So I mentally facepalmed myself as I realised how stupid I had been. Angered by my own hope, I said gruffly, "Okay, whatever. Get in before you catch a cold or something."

The girl-Colette-looked a bit fearful as she stepped into the building. But her eyes widened in amazement or disgust, I couldn't tell, when she glanced at the pristine, white marble walls and the newly done, carpeted floor.

"Not what you're expecting?" I asked. Colette looked so oddly familiar to me-like I knew her, but I didn't. Then I realised I had seen her on television. She was the daughter of the Retropolian Affairs Minister.

Ugh. Retropolis. I hated that place. It was full of arrogant idiots and brats. A country that was always causing trouble and contention.

They almost deserved to suffer the stabbing incident that was on the news.

But that was going a bit too far.

And anyways, it wasn't the time to dredge up these issues.

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