Chapter 16

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Harry, Hermione, Ron and George were sitting by the fire in the common room. They were talking excitedly about the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match that was supposed to take place in the next few days when they noticed Fred coming down from the girls dormitories with a very angry expression on his face.

"Everything alright Fred?" Hermione asked as he sat down on the sofa.

"Yeah." He replied quietly.

"Fred, what's going on with you mate? You haven't been yourself ever since Halloween." George asked worriedly.

"I just had a lot on my mind. But it's fine now." He answered as he formed his lips into a small smile. "Where's Melanie?" He changed the subject.

"Oh I don't know actually, she disappeared after potions." Hermione answered. "She does that a lot don't you think?" She added.

"I never noticed to be fair." Harry shrugged as he straightened up in his seat. He never did get any other answers out of Melanie and right now he was glad that he didn't. She was right, he wouldn't be able to keep it from Ron and Hermione for long.

"Maybe we should go look for her?" Fred continued. "What if she's lost again?"

"Then you can be certain Cedric will find her." Ron chuckled, but Fred didn't look amused. At that moment the group saw Angelina come out of the dormitories, her eyes swollen and red.

"What happened to her?" Hermione asked as she turned back to Fred, but to her surprise she only saw the back of his head as he headed up to his own room.

"Oh no." George said as he got up and followed his twin upstairs. The trio were still sitting on the sofa looking confused.

"Freddie?" George muttered as he walked into their room. Fred was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. "Are you okay?"

"I am now." Fred answered.

"Tell me." George said as he sat down. He already figured out what happened but he wanted to hear it from Fred.

"I broke up with Angelina." Fred said with a sigh of relief. "It just didn't feel right. If I'm being honest I don't think it ever did. I didn't realise what it was until recently. I thought that as long as we didn't argue and spent a lot of time together it would be fine. But now I realise that's not what I want, that's not all a relationship is. Like during Halloween it hit me that It didn't matter to me that I had Angelina sleeping in my arms. It didn't feel right."

"Well it should have mattered." George replied.

"I know. That's when I realised that..." Fred trailed off.

"That you're in love with Melanie." George filled in.

"No. That's when I realised that I wasn't in love with Angelina." George raised his eyebrow questionably. "Those are two different things George."

"If you say so." He shrugged. "So, how did Angelina take it?"

"Not well. I had to cast a silencing spell on the room because she was shouting so much. She said I'm making the biggest mistake in my life and that she's the only one meant for me, that no one else will make me happy the way she did."

"But you weren't entirely happy Freddie." George got up and moved onto his own bed. He opened the mauraders map as Fred continued.

"That's my point. But it gets worse."

"How so?"

"She started insulting Melanie." Fred inhaled sharply, "She said I'm being stupid for throwing away this relationship for a whore like Melanie."

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now