Chapter 18

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"Harry, Madam Pomfrey said you need to stay and rest." Hermione said. Ron and the twins were gathered around the hospital bed. During the match Harry got attacked by a dementor, he fell off his broom and plummeted to the ground but luckily Dumbledore caught him and transported him back to the hospital wing.

"Who won?" Harry didn't seem concerned about what happened.

"Hufflepuff.." Ron answered. "Cedric caught the snitch before he realised what had happened. Both him and Oliver tried arguing with Hooch but she said Hufflepuff won fair and square."

"Oh.." Harry replied.

"Yeah.. and there's one more thing mate." George said as he unwrapped Harry's broomstick from a red Gryffindor hoodie.
"Your broom. It kind of fell into the whomping willow."

"Yeah along with your hoodie." Fred added.

"That's not mine." Said Harry confused as he grabbed the neck of his own hoodie that was still on him and tugged on it.

"Oh well. We found it with the rest of your broom stick." Fred said. He knew he saw that hoodie somewhere else today. He looked at Hermione and Ron. "Where's Melanie?"

"Snape took her before the match. Haven't seen her since." Shrugged Ron.

"That's probably why we lost." Said George quietly as the other three changed subject. "Because our lucky charm wasn't there."

"Yeah." Fred muttered. "Er Harry me and George will go dispose of your broomstick and get into some dry clothes. We'll see you soon alright?"

"Yeah don't worry, as soon as Madam Pomfrey gets back I'm leaving." He said confidently as Hermione rolled her eyes.

The twins left the hospital wing, they changed into some decent clothes and started walking down the corridor. George was rambling about the game but Fred's mind was somewhere else. They saw Madam Pomfrey talking to someone at the edge of the corridor.They turned a corner and saw that it was Professor Snape. Fred stopped suddenly, listening in on their conversation.

"Seriously Severus next time bring her straight to the hospital wing. Merlin knows why you would allow her to go back to her room!" She exclaimed disapprovingly.

"Poppy you know her circumstances. They must be kept secret, until the girl herself is ready to accept it. -Did you give her anything?" He said blankly.

"Yes I gave her some Bruisewort Balm." —

"Freddie?" George looked over at his twin confused. "What's wrong what did they say? Something about Harry?"

Fred didn't reply straight away. He put the pieces together as he looked down at the hoodie and remains of the broomstick in George's hands. It was Melanie's hoodie.
"Go throw that broomstick out. I need to go check something." He said as he turned on his heel and ran down the corridor towards the common room. Leaving George disoriented.

Melanie was in the bathroom covering herself with the balm Madam Pomfrey left for her. She finished doing her legs and went back into the room to put on some shorts, just until the balm sunk in. She re-wrapped the towel around her chest as she stepped back into the bathroom. She applied the balm onto her arms and upper chest,all that was left was her back. She was so focused on her bruises that she didn't even acknowledge the knock on the door.

She loosened her hold on the towel to expose the red line that reached from her neck all the way down. She tried touching it to massage the balm into the wound but her muscles tensed up painfully at the movement and she retreated her arm back to the front as she steadied herself against the sink. "Dammit." She muttered to herself as she looked down. Suddenly the bathroom door opened.

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now