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🎧 U&I ★ Hi-fi Un!corn

Seungmin's pov:

I wasn't really thinking earlier. I don't actually want to walk Hyeongjun home. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that I want to spend time with him. I'm just scared.

When the bell rang and he started walking away without waiting for me, I didn't know what to do. I decided to follow him, while running.

"Hyeongjun!" I opened my umbrella and held it above us. For some reason, he seemed embarrassed by my presence. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel hurt by that.

I was about to apologise for embarrassing him, but that would just be an assumption. So I just shut up. I guess that was a better response as his blush from humiliation disappeared.

"Your bag looks heavy" I gently took it off his back to carry it. He was rather speechless after seeing me do that.

"O-oh you don't have to do that" He replied shocked by what I had done. I shook my head and continued carrying the bag.

"Can you just hold this?" I handed him the umbrella before giving him the chance to answer. Maybe I should've let him finish first. Well, it's too late to doubt anything now.

"But you'll get sick" Hyeongjun pouted, god, he looked so cute while pouting. I'm gonna squeal. Except I can't squeal in the middle of the street right next to the Han Hyeongjun.

"I don't mind" I lied, I mean, it's not like I didn't mind missing some school. But I would mind missing seeing Hyeongjun.

"Oh, well, you can stay at my house while you dry..?" Hyeongjun seemed hesitant, like he wasn't sure of what he was saying. Or maybe he wasn't sure of the formulation of his question.

"If you don't mind" I partly muttered, I wasn't sure he had heard me. But based on his reaction, he had heard me.

We continued walking in a comfortable silence. Strange, you'd think a walk between the two of us would be awkward. We barely know each other.

"I really appreciate you walking me home" Hyeongjun smiled at me, his smile is really cute. To be honest, anything about him is cute.

"I'll gladly do it again" I said, without thinking much. Oh god. Maybe I won't be doing it again; I don't think I'd survive.

"Aw you don't have to do it, but thank you" Hyeongjun stopped in front of his house, I barely even noticed he stopped. But I entered the house after him.

"You look like you're about to be sick" Hyeongjun grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs. He made me stay still in the hallway, in front of a mirror.

"Here, you can dry your hair, I'll be right back" He handed me a hairdryer, I plugged it in and by the time I was about to ask him if there was something I shouldn't do, he was already gone. I'm guessing he went downstairs.

After about ten minutes I had finished drying my hair. I'm pretty Hyeongjun heard the blow dryer turn off cause he was up a couple of seconds later.

He looked at me for a couple of seconds before giggling briefly.

"What's wrong?" I asked before checking in the mirror. "I forgot to get you a brush" Hyeongjun left for a couple of seconds before coming back with one.

My hair was extremely messy. It's why it made him laugh.

"Do you want to watch a movie afterwards? Or play a game?" He asked as I was brushing my hair. I thought for a couple of seconds. To be honest, I wouldn't mind either if it meant hanging out with Hyeongjun. "We can do both, my parents are working late, so it's up to you"

After a minute or so, I followed Hyeongjun down the stairs.

"We can start with a game?" Hyeongjun turned on the tv and handed me one of the controllers. Our fingers touched when he gave it to me. I felt butterflies in my stomach because of that.

"Is Mario kart alright for you?" He asked while looking through the different games he owned. I couldn't care less about which game we were going to play, as long as we're together.

"Yeah, it is" He inserted the game card inside and waited for the game to load. We both chose our characters and the karts.

"Are you any good?" Hyeongjun asked me, I used to play the game quite often when I was younger, I'd say I'm decent.

"Well I'm not that bad" I said as the race started.

Now, I definitely let Hyeongjun win, I'm way better than that.

"You are that bad" Hyeongjun stood up after the race to sit next to me, as he was on the floor before. I felt a blush starting to form due to how close we were

Then, the next game went completely silent. We didn't speak at all. When we played three different races without speaking, I decided that I should probably say something, because based on what I've seen Hyeongjun wouldn't be the one to talk.

"Do you remember the first thing I ever said to you?" I asked to break this awkward tension between us. Because I just couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Hi? I don't know?" Hyeongjun asked, rather confused by my question. To be honest, I understand his reaction, I would probably react like that as well.

"No, it was in Year 8, I went up to you at the start of the year, on the first day, you were flustered by me coming up to you" Hyeongjun clearly hadn't changed much, he was still very nervous and surprised when someone would come up to him.

"I told you, Wow, Hyeongjun, we've been in the same class for three years in a row, word for word" Hyeongjun nodded, he probably remembered what I had told him now. I hope so, as these words are quite important to me. I think, although I only realised my feelings rather recently, this was the moment I fell in love with him.

"I remember, do you wanna watch a movie now?" Hyeongjun turned off his gaming console and he started searching for a movie. I nodded and thought of a movie in case he asked for one.

Luckily I did, cause that was exactly what he did.

"How about the Truman show?" I suggested, it's a movie I enjoy, and I haven't seen it in a while.

"Oh, it's getting late though! Maybe next time? Thanks for coming over" He quickly stood up and stuck out his hand to help me up from the couch.

He pushed me towards the entrance door, so that I could put on my shoes and coat. He put my umbrella against the wall and opened the door.

"Bye bye!" Hyeongjun smiled awkwardly as he pushed me out of the door. I smiled back and said the same thing.

"Next time..?" I told myself rather quietly.



Ahh I love this chapter

-Jude out!


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