Fight for your life, literally.

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I killed three more. They like the gardens for some reason. Adrenaline is rushing through my veins, they throb in my wrists, though it might be my racing heart. I have made it to the bottom of the gardens, now I'm walking back up, I'm doing it slowly, trying not to step on any twigs or crispy leaves. As much as my body feels alive and ready for anything, it also feels like it's breaking. The more i kill, the weaker i get, especially because the killing is brutal; im angry, im really fucking angry with The Intelligent. So i make the deaths of the soldiers painful. I want Jace Peterson to see these dead soldiers so he can see what I can do to people, what we can all do to people. I'm certain there are many others dead.

I step over the dead body of a man who got his carotid arteries stabbed by sticks. Bet that was quite painful.

I feel disgusting killing people. But it's an addictive feeling when you do it, especially if they are your enemies. You feel like you have accomplished something. I don't think killing should feel that way. But it does for me.

A sudden arm wraps around my throat. I thought I was careful. I immediately try to escape out of the muscular arm that holds me tightly. I think he can kill me and I would never be seen again. My body will probably be taken to Jace Peterson so he can investigate my powers, suck them out of my veins, if that's even possible, which it probably isn't.

"Get off me you sick son of a bitch!" I hiss between my teeth, slowly starting to struggle for air. I realise I can't use my powers on someone I can't see and I can't move his arm from my throat. Kicking does nothing. I swing my head back, hitting him right in the chin. He lets go of me and stumbles back a little. Before i can react his fist meets my nose. I get knocked back onto the floor. The height and strength difference is quite a lot. I may have telekinesis but I haven't learnt that much. I've killed, yes. But I haven't fought someone with my fists before. Dizziness takes over, i blink rapidly as tears bundle up in my eyes, blood drips from my nose. I try to stand up but instead of making it up I get kicked in the stomach. It hurts like a fucking bitch. I attempt to focus to use my power on him, even pushing him to the floor will be enough. Losing blood doesn't help the fact that I'm getting weaker and weaker by the minute. I wipe my nose and accidentally smudge the blood somewhere on my face but Iits the least of my problems at the minute.. I squirm backwards on my hands and knees, trying to get away from him. I try not to let fear take over, i was brave two minutes ago, now I'm feeling like I might just die any minute. My breath gets caught in my throat and the taste of metallic gathers around my tongue and teeth. I cough and spit pure red.

I'm speaking while still trying to crawl, I don't know if the soldier or soldiers can hear me but I know it wont work. "Dont you dare come near me i swear to fucking-" I get booted in the chest. Falling to the floor face first. I don't know what I inhale more, dirt or grass. I start to wheeze, my chest feels tight and I can't breathe properly, my lungs are struggling for air. It gets worse, I get picked up and thrown over this tall man's shoulder.

I wake up what only seems like a few seconds later to be half way up the garden. I don't know where we're going and I'm too weak to think. The world spins quickly, as it wears off I start to realise what's happening again. I try to kick and punch at the soldier who's carrying me. Nothing works. I try to use my powers, maybe break his legs and make his arms twist the wrong way. It doesn't work. I'm still too weak, I need strength. This is also why I never thought I would be good at this stuff. I've never been the person to lift heavy things or fight someone in a battle, let alone use powers for hours on end when I've only been training for a few months.

"I would bring you to Sir Peterson, but i think if we get you over and done with here it would be better for all of us." The soldier speaks. Terror rises in me, for a minute I feel like I'm going to be sick. He throws me over his shoulder and drops me to the floor as if I'm a doll he didn't like. He then grabs me by my plait, causing my head to throb. "This will all be over soon."

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