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There's no food.

I haven't actually eaten in nearly a day. We can drink water from Arlos mystery fountain but that doesn't mean it fills you up. Its water, it goes right through you. All the food we had has gone mouldy. There's none of it. We have searched everywhere. Brooklyn passed out earlier because of it. And I can't call her dramatic for it because I've been very dizzy myself.

Hayden isn't looking well either. He hasn't really spoken since we went in the ocean a few days ago. We've tried giving him water but he won't take it.

I'm scared again. I'm really really scared.

I walk along the ocean, letting the small waves run along and across my feet. Arlo, Grayson and Brooklyn went to see if there was any food. I don't think there is any, or we would have found it already. Hayden isn't well enough to even stand up. Someone should probably be with him. I decide that I'll go and sit with him and keep him company once I've walked a little further across the beach. It's so peaceful when there's no arguing, no one complaining constantly in your ear.

Since the 'help' sign with the rocks didn't work, we all collected them up the other day and used them to put around the fire. So now our main area doesn't look too bad. It doesn't help the fact that there's no food though.

I can feel my legs start to get shaky meaning I have to sit down. So I walk over to Hayden. He said he was going to take a nap but no one really manages to just have a nap or even get a good night sleep when your on leaves and sand.

" Hayden you up?" I whisper. He doesn't answer.

I know he's sleeping, but I should probably wake him up so we can go and find the others and help them. Even if there's not much luck.

"Hayden?" My voice shakes slightly as I speak up, hoping it will wake him up. He doesn't budge.

"Hayden, come on, wake up." I say louder now. I go to touch his shoulder and-
It's cold.

His body is cold.

My breath gets caught in my throat as I freeze. I don't move. I can't. I can't think.

He can't be. It can't be.

He's laying on his side, face covered.

I look away, take a deep breath. I can do it. I can do this, im only touching him.

I turn back around and touch his shoulder again, roll his body so he's on his back.

I gasp, both my hands covering my mouth.

Purple lips.

Eyes open. Staring into the sky. Limp body.

Hayden is dead.

He's dead.

I don't move. I'm frozen again. Mouth open in horror, my body starting to shake violently.

I start running. I run and run and run until I find the others. My feet dig into the sand, making it way harder to run.

They're all standing somewhere I don't look where I can't focus.

"Hey Olivia, you alright?" Grayson says.

I look up, out of breath. I can't speak.

"Hes," I try to say something.

"What's wrong?" Arlo says, suddenly becoming worried.

I try to speak again but I feel the bile coming up my throat. I turn around and turn dry sand to gross wet sand. I empty everything that was in my stomach onto the sand, not like it was much anyways. I feel a hand on my back, grabbing my hair and holding it back.

After emptying my weak and fragile body, I look up to find Grayson looking at me worried. He lets go of my hair.

I turn back around to see Brooklyn and Arlo looking at me, worry still plasters their faces.

Tears form in my eyes, my face must look terrifying.

"What is it Liv?" Arlo says to me.

I spit it out. "Haydens dead. He's dead and we didn't take care of him. Now he's dead by the fire, he's cold and blue and frozen."

Shock covers everyone's emotions. Tears come splattering out of my eyes, onto my dry cheeks, the salty liquid flying down at a pace.

"He can't be." Brooklyn whispers.

"Look for yourself." I say. Leading them to follow me. Back to him.


After everyone saw his body. The boys took it away out of our sight. I cried for probably about an hour. Arlo held me in his arms as I sobbed because I saw a dead body for the first time.

Grayson sat there silently chewing his nails. Brooklyn went and swam in the sea for who knows how long.

Correction. I saw dead bodies in the streets back at home, but this felt different. I didn't know anyone who died then. But that was Hayden, the person I made out to be my friend. And he's gone.

We all agreed that we would bury him tomorrow. It may not be a funeral, but it's better than leaving his body to be eaten by whatever is on this island.

I don't know how much longer I can do it. It's too much.

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