Chapter one

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In the aftermath of the war that had ravaged the once-beautiful village, a young woman, barely 19 years old, sat still. Her delicate features were marred by blood, making her fair complexion appear almost unrecognizable. Bloodshot eyes revealed a glimmer of brown amidst a sea of red, betraying the fear and trauma that gripped her. Time seemed to stand still in the eerie silence that enveloped the desolate field.

She used to find solace in the vibrant grasslands surrounding her village, adorned with wildflowers that danced to their own melody. But today, those enchanting sights were overshadowed by the splashes of red scattered throughout, remnants of the carnage that had unfolded.

As if from a distance, a voice broke through the shattered silence, offering help. But the fragile young girl remained unaffected, trapped within her own mind and haunted by the violence that had engulfed her sanctuary mere hours ago.

"Miss?" The voice sounded again, this time laced with uncertainty.

Their eyes met, a brief connection between dark brown and light brown. Yet it seemed as though the girl looked right through him, lost in her thoughts.

"I'm going to get you help, okay? Just stay still." The urgency in his voice was palpable as he quickly retreated back in the direction he came from.

And then it hit her.

The enemy.

The enemy had just spoken to her with concern, as if oblivious to the annihilation they had inflicted upon her people moments ago.

As she looked down at herself, she saw that she was covered in dark crimson blood. But in the chaos of war, no one could discern which side she belonged to.

Amidst the field of battle, she should stand out among the triumphant soldiers as she sat among the sea of lifeless bodies they had left in their wake, her own body trembling with fear and grief. Her once elegant dress now stained with dirt and blood, her hands clutching onto the lifeless hands of her parents as if by some miracle, she could bring them back to life. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered desperate prayers for it to be her lying there instead of them.

She remained frozen in that petrified state until a noise broke through the silence, jolting her into action. Tears continued to well up in her eyes as she ran, fleeing from the mass grave that held everyone she had once known.

Her dark brown hair was streaked with dried blood, blowing in the wind that carried the scent of damp grass and the metallic tang of death.

Her heart raced with each pounding beat of her feet as she pushed forward, adrenaline coursing through her veins. But even as her vision blurred and faded to black, one thought consumed her mind: "RUN."

The sound of a deep voice calling for help broke through her trance-like state. Startled and fearful, she opened her eyes to find herself being lifted by a soldier.

"Get off me, no!" she screamed hoarsely, pushing him away without a second thought. He stumbled back in shock and confusion as she resumed her frantic sprint.

"Hey! Wait!" he yelled after her, but she did not stop. She could not stop until she was safe from this never-ending nightmare.

A bead of sweat trickled down her forehead as she glanced back, catching a glimpse of his furrowed brows before they relaxed in recognition. He leaped up, urging her to wait, and she quickened her pace, her heart racing with fear and adrenaline.

In that moment, consumed by the rush of survival, she failed to realize the grave mistake she was making. Leading the enemy straight to the surviving villagers in their hiding places. A rash decision for a typically sharp-witted girl.

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