Chapter seventeen

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Aria stood alone at the edge of their makeshift camp, her golden brown eyes gazing into the dark, foreboding forest that surrounded them. The cold wind whispered secrets through the trees, and she shivered beneath her tank top, wrapping her arms around herself for warmth. Leo's distant figure moved about the camp, his light blonde hair a stark contrast against the darkness, and she couldn't help but notice how strong and capable he appeared in his sleek military attire.

"Hey, Aria," Leo called out to her, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Mind helping me put away these weapons?"

"Of course," Aria replied with a forced smile, carefully keeping her distance as she assisted him. Their past friendship seemed like a distant dream, a fragile memory that threatened to crumble under the weight of their new reality.

"Thanks," he said gruffly, making no attempt at further conversation. Aria couldn't help but feel relieved; she needed to focus on their plan, not the lingering ache of their fractured bond.

As days passed, Aria became adept at maintaining her distance from Leo. He tried several times to engage her in small talk, but each time she gave a polite and brief response before walking away. Eventually, he stopped trying altogether, and Aria knew it was for the best.

The night before their fateful day arrived, Aria tossed and turned, plagued by nightmares of their plan failing. She awoke with a start, gasping for breath, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. Desperate for solace, she crept outside, seeking the quiet comfort of the night. But as she approached Leo's tent, she heard laughter and the low murmur of voices.

With a trembling hand, Aria pulled back the tent flap just enough to peer inside. There, illuminated by the soft glow of a flickering candle, sat Leo Cameron—the embodiment of a fortress, his impenetrable demeanor offering no solace or comfort for her weary soul. He was sitting closely beside a girl with captivating amber eyes, their flirtatious conversation evident even through the haze of deception and mistrust that hung between them like smoke.

"Ahem," she coughed loudly, not wanting to see anything she wasn't supposed to. The girl looked up, her eyes narrowing as they met Aria's, challenging her presence in this intimate moment. Leo's dark brown eyes held a glint of amusement as he stared at Aria, clearly enjoying the interruption. Was it cruelty that fueled his grin or some twisted sense of satisfaction that came from seeing her discomfort?

"Can we help you, princess?" he asked mockingly, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Um, I'll let you guys talk?" the girl with black hair offered hesitantly, her confusion apparent. She stood to leave, but Leo's voice cut through the tense air like a sharp blade.

"You can stay," he drawled coldly, his gaze never leaving Aria. "This won't be long." His dismissive tone stung like venom, each word laced with apathy and disdain.

But then Leo's cold voice turned playful. "Unless she wants to stay-" he drawled cockily, his eyes locking onto Aria's with contempt. "Actually, why don't you stay?"

The girl shifted uncomfortably in her seat, seemingly torn between curiosity and fear. Her amber eyes flicked between Aria and Leo, seeking an explanation for the hostility that hung like a dark cloud over their interaction.

"We could use some entertainment."

The words hung heavy in the air, laden with unspeakable tension. Aria felt her cheeks grow hot, the humiliation coiling within her like a venomous serpent ready to strike. For a moment, she considered barreling into the tent and ripping Leo apart with her bare hands—a thought that both thrilled and terrified her. But she knew she shouldn't so she settled on a bitter, "no thanks."

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