Chapter 23

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The full moon hung low in the dark, star-speckled sky, casting a pale glow over the dense woods. Its ethereal light filtered through the thick canopy of trees, creating shifting patterns on the forest floor. The air was cool and crisp, filled with the scent of pine and earth that invigorated Aria and Cass as they ventured away from the camp.

They walked in silence for a while, their footsteps barely making a sound on the soft forest ground. Finally, they reached a clearing where a fallen log beckoned them to sit down. Aria wasted no time in taking a seat, while Cass hesitated for a moment before settling down next to her.

In this quiet corner of the world, far from Evangeline's reach, they could finally speak freely without fear of being caught. The distant calls of nocturnal creatures added to the peaceful atmosphere, broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves or snapping of twigs underfoot.

Aria couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and turned to Cass, her golden brown eyes eager. "You seriously tried to escape ten times?" she asked in disbelief, mixed with admiration.

Cass's violet skin seemed to darken slightly in the dim moonlight as she looked down, fidgeting with her long blue nails and picking at the bark of the log. She took a deep breath before answering, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, I did. But it was impossible. Evangeline...she's not just powerful. She's everywhere."

Aria leaned closer, captivated by Cass's words. "Tell me more. I want to understand."

Cass sighed and closed her eyes briefly, as if reliving painful memories. Her hazel eyes reflected a mixture of regret and determination when she opened them again. "The first time I tried to escape, I thought I had it all figured out. I knew the guards' routines, the weak points in the defenses. I even had a map." She let out a bitter laugh. "But it was all for nothing. I made it as far as the outer wall before she found me. Evangeline...she let me think I had a chance. She enjoys watching us struggle."

Aria frowned, her heart aching for Cass and all the others who had tried to escape but failed. "What happened next?"

Cass's eyes grew distant as she remembered. "She caught me and dragged me back in front of everyone. She didn't kill me, though. No, that would have been too merciful. She used me as an example. Showed everyone what happens when you defy her." Cass paused, swallowing hard. "That's when she first changed me. Took away my beauty, my humanity, and left me like this."

Aria's gaze softened with sympathy and understanding. "But you didn't give up."

Cass shook her head adamantly. "No. I tried again and again. Each time, I thought I'd learned something new, found a new way out. But it was always the same. She'd find me, punish me, and then let me go back to plotting my next escape. It became a twisted game for her."

Aria reached out and placed a comforting hand on Cass's arm. "You're braver than anyone I know. I don't think I could've kept trying like you did."

Cass's embarrassment deepened as she pulled away sharply, but she managed a small, grateful smile. "It wasn't bravery, Aria. It was desperation. Every time I looked in the mirror and saw what she'd turned me into, it fueled my need to get away. But I learned the hard way that you can't escape Evangeline. She has eyes everywhere, spies among us. Even the trees seem to whisper her secrets."

Aria's determination hardened, and she locked eyes with Cass. "Then we need to find another way. Together. We'll outsmart her, find a way to break her hold on us."

Cass's eyes widened with a flicker of hope, something that had been missing for far too long. "You really think we can?"

"I know we can," Aria replied firmly. "You've already shown me how strong you are. And now, you're not alone."

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