Chapter 30

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Aria awoke to a murmur of voices, like whispers in the shadows. Her eyes fluttered open, and she strained her ears, trying to discern where the sound was coming from. She stretched out of bed, her limbs protesting against the sudden movement. As she ventured further out of the dimly lit room, she found Leo talking to someone on his device. His voice was hushed, his expression tense. Aria raised an eyebrow, curiosity piquing as she remained concealed, her heart pounding in sync with each word that escaped his lips.

"Fine," he muttered, his voice laced with frustration. "I'll deal with it." With that, he ended the call and placed the phone back in his pocket. He rubbed his weary eyes, the weight of the world seemingly pressing down upon him.

"You can come out, Aria," he said, his voice devoid of warmth. "You're a terrible spy, you know."

She hesitated, caught off guard by his words. Slowly, she emerged from her hiding spot, walking past him with feigned nonchalance. "I don't know what you're talking about," she lied, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

Leo's eyes bore into her, dark and unyielding like the depths of a stormy sea. She couldn't help but feel unnerved by his gaze, yet she refused to let it show. A battle waged within her—to confront him about the conversation or let it slide. The tension between them was palpable, their newfound alliance still fragile and untested.

The heavy silence hung between them, broken only by the faint crackle of the fire in the hearth. Aria could feel Leo's gaze still fixed upon her, his eyes dark with unspoken thoughts. She swallowed hard, acutely aware of the tension coiling in the air like a noose.

It was as though the very walls of the room were holding their breath, waiting for what would come next. The logs in the fireplace seemed to sizzle and pop, adding to the unease that filled the space.

"It was my parents," he finally said, the words seeping out like venom. "They're freaking out. I think they found out what your people are."

Aria stared at him, startled by the revelation. As the realization sank in, an unexpected reaction bubbled up inside her. The absurdity of it all struck her suddenly and she felt herself erupt into laughter, the sound spilling forth like a twisted melody. She nearly doubled over, her body shaking with uncontrollable mirth.

"Are you seriously laughing in my face right now?" Leo asked, his voice taut and incredulous.

She tried to suppress her laughter, feigning a cough as she turned away from him. But even as she did so, she couldn't help but release a few lingering chuckles. "Um—sorry?"

That morning found them preparing to leave Aria's cottage, their destination the safe house. As they stepped outside, Aria hesitated, her gaze lingering on the familiar structure that had been her sanctuary for so long. She thought for a moment about staying, letting the world's problems fall to anyone but herself; yet, she knew that such a choice would only bring more suffering to those she cared for.

With a sigh, she reluctantly followed after Leo, who had already begun to walk ahead. His tall figure seemed to blur into the landscape, appearing both a part of it and separate all at once. The heaviness of their shared burdens weighed down upon Aria's shoulders, a constant reminder of the war that raged around them.

As they traversed the desolate terrain, Aria's thoughts swirled with images of violence and destruction—a stark contrast to the peaceful life she had let consume her the past few days.

In this dark and unforgiving world, survival was the only thing that mattered. And Aria Evergreen would not go down without a fight. She just wished she had more time in her peaceful home before having to succumb back to the real world.

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