Chapter twenty

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Nothing happened. No deafening bang, no searing pain, just a small, empty sound reverberating in the air around her. Aria's terrified eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at Adams, who stood above her with a vicious smirk playing on her lips.

"Did you really think we'd give you a loaded gun?" she sneered, her voice dripping with condescension.

Aria's legs buckled beneath her, and she crumpled to the ground, her trembling body betraying the fear that consumed every fiber of her being. She cursed herself for allowing even a shred of hope to enter her thoughts, knowing it had been foolish to believe that Adams would grant her such mercy.

"Get up," Adams commanded, her voice sharp like a whip cutting through the air. "We have places to be."

With a flick of her wrist, the cage that had confined Aria sprung open, the iron bars groaning in protest as they were forced apart by Adams' unseen power. Aria hesitated, her body frozen with terror, but she knew better than to disobey Adams' orders.

"Move!" Adams barked, her patience clearly wearing thin.

Dragging herself to her feet, Aria stumbled forward, struggling to keep pace with the woman as they traversed into a dimly lit corridor. As they walked, Aria's thoughts churned, trying to find a way to escape this nightmare, to survive in a world where darkness and violence threatened to consume everything she held dear.

"Where are we going?" Aria dared to ask, her voice barely audible as it trembled with fear.

Adams cast a sideways glance at her, green eyes glinting like emeralds in the gloom. "You'll see soon enough," she replied cryptically, her tone laced with malevolence.

Aria's heart sank deeper into despair, and she couldn't help but wonder if the flames of war would ever be extinguished, or if this harrowing dance of violence and survival would continue unabated until she drew her final breath. But even in the face of such darkness, she clung to the faintest ember of hope that burned within her, refusing to let it be snuffed out completely.

For Aria Evergreen, surrender was not an option.

With every step they took, the haunting echoes of their footsteps resounded off the corridor walls, creating a chilling melody that reverberated in Aria's ears. She could feel Adams' eyes on her, piercing her like icy daggers—an unspoken threat gleaming in their depths. Although she was the embodiment of terror, there was a captivating allure about Adams that Aria found impossible to ignore.

"What do you want from me?" Aria's voice interrupted the silence, the question a desperate plea. Her golden eyes met Adams', a spark of defiance flickering in them.

Adams looked at her thoughtfully, her emerald eyes reflecting an inscrutable emotion. "I want...your cooperation," she declared at last. The corners of her lips twitched upward into a semblance of a smile that held no warmth, disarming in its insidious charm. "And in return, you might live to see another sunrise."

Aria felt a pang of fear at her words but managed to suppress it quickly. She knew better than to show any sign of weakness before Adams. There was something about the way she said 'might' that sank icy tendrils of dread into Aria's heart.

As they continued down the winding corridors, each turn seemed to take them deeper into the belly of this monstrous facility—each corner teeming with more shadows than the last. The chill in the air turned more biting as they progressed further into the labyrinthine structure.

Suddenly, Adams halted, causing Aria to stumble slightly. Before them towered an imposing, heavily fortified door. Its steel surface was etched with intricate symbols that sent shivers skittering down Aria's spine—the very sight seemed capable of snuffing out hope and replacing it with palpable dread.

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