Chapter six

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Weeks crept by slowly and Aria remained trapped, a prisoner in her own homeland. Forced to survive on unappetizing scraps that she couldn't help but think even a dog deserved better than. Today, the tantalizing aroma of beef stew filled the camp, reminding her of home and the warm memories it held. The way her father would prepare the same dish every winter because her father always believed winter was soup season. Having it in the middle of summer almost felt wrong, and would snap her out of those memories of warm nights with savory soup and thick blankets near the fire as her mother and father told stories of their lives for Aria to hear, pulling her back into her nightmarish reality of captivity.

The reality of every night, Aria struggling to stay awake, afraid of what might happen if she let sleep claim her. Occasionally, she would hear soldiers entering her room, stirring her from her fragile slumber. She would pretend to be asleep, hoping to avoid further harm, as they would silently observe her in the darkness. Sometimes, they would even daringly expose her body, setting her nerves on edge. Those nights left her feeling incredibly uncomfortable and itchy, yearning for a scalding hot bath to wash away the disturbing sensations.

Although they refrained from touching her beneath her borrowed clothes, it offered little solace. Aria knew that the longer she remained imprisoned, the bolder they would become. Each time they left, she would curl up and offer desperate prayers for rescue, yearning to return to a world free from war and the cruelty of others. She missed her previous life and regretted taking it for granted. Everything she had once complained about, she now wished to experience again, just to return to the life she had lost.

When her mother used to upset her, she often sought solace in the city of Arsepia. Despite knowing that her kind was forbidden from mingling with humans, she couldn't resist the urge to observe their daily lives. It provided an escape from her own troubles, immersing herself in their mundane activities. Humans fascinated her with their rigid schedules and fixation on handheld devices, disconnected from the world around them. Their peculiar ways provided a temporary respite from the troubles she faced in her own life. However, if given the chance, she would never have ventured into Arsepia, never have sparked this devastating war. Though innocently just wanting to see others, she still felt the need to apologize to her mother, to express her love and appreciation. How desperately she yearned to utter those words of 'I love you' just one more time. Yet, deep down, she knew she would never see her mother again. Leaving behind the memories of her previous life and relinquishing the desire to return to it was necessary in order to focus on escaping her dire predicament and restoring peace for those who survived.

Interrupting her somber thoughts, the general entered, holding a bowl of stew. The delightful scent of beef and broth permeated the air, making Aria's stomach ache with hunger. However, she knew all too well that she would be the last to receive a portion, and by that time, the stew would be cold and mixed with all the least desirable side dishes.

"We believe we have found a safe house," he announced, his gaze icy cold as he awaited her reaction, still holding the bowl in his hands.

Aria's entire body went rigid, though she maintained a composed exterior, understanding that if she remained silent, the general would continue to provide information willingly.

"Most of our soldiers will be sent to scout it out, so you'll have to wear these again until they return," he continued, gesturing towards the handcuffs that dangled from his fingers.

Looking at the handcuffs made her wrist ache, a painful reminder that their trust in her remained limited. She had hoped that they would consider her less of a flight risk by now, but the general seemed intent on reminding her of her captive status.

"I have stationed Leo to guard you, so don't even think about attempting an escape," he said sternly. Placing the bowl on the bench near her, he moved closer, securing the handcuff around her wrist and attaching the other to a bar in the room's corner. Before leaving, he added, "Ms. Adams will come to collect you tomorrow. Why don't we have some fun tonight?"

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