Chapter two

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"So, do you always run away when someone is trying to help you?" He taunted, his voice dripping with mocking amusement. The dirt path beneath their feet crunched as he brought their journey to a halt.

Her rage erupted within her, causing her to stand rooted to the spot, seething with fury. She could feel the heat of her anger radiating off her body like a suffocating aura.

"Do you call 'helping' killing my parents and everyone I knew?" She retorted, her voice laced with bitterness and pain. Every word was a struggle to choke out as the memories threatened to overwhelm her.

The cocky attitude faded from his face, replaced by weariness and a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of her tragic tale. He rubbed between his eyes as if her pain disgusted him, a burden he had no desire to bear. But before he could utter another word, Aria silenced him with a stern gesture, her hand held up in front of her.

"Save it, Prince Charming." Her words were sharp and cold, like shards of ice flying through the air. "I'm going alone. Don't wait up."

It wasn't the first time her stubborn nature had caused problems, but this time she didn't care. She was determined to go on without any help or interference from anyone.

But his persistence surprised her as she heard his voice trailing after her once again. "Oh, come on!" he exclaimed, flinging his arms up in exasperation before chasing after her.

But her steps quickened as she broke into a sprint, determined to put as much distance between herself and this man as possible. "Don't follow me!" She yelled over her shoulder, unleashing a fierce gust of wind that sent the towering soldier tumbling to the ground.

He shook his head, completely bewildered, bounding up nevertheless, putting a smile back on his face despite his obvious frustration.

Catching back up, he said,
"Come on, let's start over. What's your name?"

She stopped again, her presence filling the air with an almost suffocating thickness. Her eyes locked dangerously onto his, her gaze a lethal weapon capable of piercing his confident facade.

"And why should I give you my name?" She challenged, her words laden with a palpable threat.

Undeterred by her cold demeanor, he extended his hand and introduced himself as Leo. His posture straightened and his confidence regained as he stood before her.

But her attention was fixated on the trees in the distance, as if she could disappear into them and leave this encounter behind. She glanced briefly at his outstretched hand, scoffing at the gesture and offering no reciprocation. With a defiant glare, she said: "Go fuck yourself Leo." And started walking again, Leo silently trailing in her wake, his gaze fixated on her every move; observing her like a hawk stalking its prey.

"You're headed straight towards our base, in case you weren't aware." He remarked in a snarky tone, his lips curling into a smug grin.

She let out an exasperated sigh and turned to face him, her annoyance growing with each movement of his mouth.

"And where do you suggest we go then?" She shot back, raising an eyebrow in a mocking manner.

His eyes widened in amusement at her response, but his face remained straight, showing no signs of emotion as he held intense eye contact.

He simply replied, "Probably not that way."

It may have seemed like a joke to him, but she could tell he was dead serious. The tension between them only grew thicker with each passing moment.

She let out a mirthless laugh and waved a hand dismissively, indicating she was done with his undignified humor.

"Then lead the way, 'Leo'," she said with a slight edge to her voice.

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