Chapter fifteen

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"Line up, everyone!" Aria commanded, her voice carrying authority that belied her petite frame. The rows formed quickly and obediently, the people acutely aware of the consequences should they choose to defy their princess again. They all shared a collective hope that today would not be marred by Dahlia's interference.

Aria's golden brown eyes scanned each face, taking in the apprehension that clung to them like a second skin. She knew she had to push them, to awaken whatever dormant power lay within them, but she could not ignore the weight of responsibility bearing down on her heart. It was a heavy burden, one she feared she might not carry well.

"Let's begin," she said, her voice softer now, as she stepped forward and looked into the eyes of the first person in line.

"Remember what we've practiced," she instructed, her tone gentle yet firm. "Focus your energy and tap into your emotions. Let them fuel your magic."

As she moved from person to person, offering guidance and encouragement, Aria couldn't help but feel a nagging doubt creep into her mind. What if these people were incapable of mastering their abilities? What if they failed in their mission to reclaim their freedom?

As the day wore on, Aria watched as her people struggled to unlock their hidden power, each failure causing her heart to sink further into despair. She knew her doubts were right—time was running out, and they needed a breakthrough, which she didn't see happening.

"Aria," a voice called timidly. It was Seraphina, her green eyes filled with uncertainty. "I'm sorry. I just can't seem to do it."

Aria's heart thudded against her ribcage as she watched Seraphina's trembling form, a fragile blossom amidst the harsh reality of war.

She reached out, clasping the girl's hand, and spoke in a hushed tone.

"Seraphina, tap into your saddest memory for me." Seraphina looked at her in a state of confusion and opened her mouth to object, but Aria squeezed her hand gently. "Nobody is judging. Just close your eyes and picture it."

Aria observed intently as Seraphina's eyes closed tightly, her delicate features contorting with the effort of summoning a painful memory. A minute passed like an eternity, but eventually, her eyes fluttered open again. A single tear traced a path down her flushed cheek, glistening like a dewdrop on a petal.

Aria nodded at her and said, "now focus on that tree right there and really feel those emotions. Let them take over until you can't contain them any longer."

A hush fell over the gathered fae as Seraphina's slender shoulders tensed, her gaze fixed towards the old oak tree standing sentinel in the distance, a burn permanently singed into its brown bark from Aria's previous magic, a testament to the power that could lay dormant within them all, and she focused on that exact spot as she closed her eyes and felt for her magic.

She held her breath, praying for a spark, a flicker, anything that would signal the awakening of power within the young girl. The tension in the air was palpable as the other fae observed Seraphina's struggle, their expressions a mixture of hope and trepidation.

Please, Aria thought silently, her own eyes reflecting the desperation she tried to keep hidden. We need this.

Seraphina's chest heaved with exertion, her breaths coming in short, ragged bursts. The anguish etched across her face was palpable, but when the moment came and went without so much as a hint of magic, Aria felt a crushing weight settle upon her chest. It was becoming increasingly clear to her they might not be ready, that their time might run out before they could ever find the strength to fight back.

"Keep trying, Seraphina," Aria whispered, though her voice wavered with uncertainty.

As she looked around at the weary faces of her people, her heart heavy with the burden of their lives resting on her young shoulders, Aria couldn't help but wonder if she was leading them all to their doom.

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