Chapter nineteen

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Silence, a cold and suffocating silence, cloaked the air as Aria inched closer to Camp Adams. Each step felt like an eternity, her heart racing frantically as she braced herself for what horrors awaited her within.

Gone was the familiar jarring sounds of gunfire and screams, replaced by an eerie stillness that clawed at her senses. Dread crept into her mind, dark thoughts swirling as she wondered if she was too late. Had everyone fallen? Were their bodies scattered around her, swallowed by death?

Summoning all her strength, Aria pushed forward, only to be met with a devastating sight. The ground was littered with lifeless forms, their twisted limbs and mutilated faces bearing witness to unimaginable suffering. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the vacant stare of a man whose face had been torn beyond recognition or the shredded remains of another's uniform drenched in blood.

A gasp escaped Aria's lips as she spotted Leo's over-shirt on the ground, stained with a sinister ruby color. She stumbled towards it, her fingers trembling as they grazed the blood-soaked fabric. And then she saw Amber, Leo's friend, lying in a pool of blood a few feet away, riddled with bullet wounds. Her heart shattered into a million pieces at the sight.

As tears blurred her vision, Aria forced herself to look away, only to find more of Leo's soldiers sprawled lifelessly around her. Despair threatened to consume her as she took in the full scope of the carnage. How could this have happened? Why did they have to die?

The world around her seemed to shrink, closing in on her like a suffocating nightmare. This place, once full of life, had been transformed into a hellish landscape of death and destruction. Aria's resolve wavered for an instant, her inner turmoil threatening to consume her.

The grim tableau that surrounded her served as a stark reminder of the brutality of war and the harsh reality of survival. Within these hallowed grounds, life and death danced in a macabre ballet, each step a testament to the fragile nature of existence.

But amid the wreckage and desolation, Aria clung fiercely to hope, refusing to surrender to despair. The battle may be lost, but the war was not yet over—and she would fight to the bitter end, for herself, for her people, and for all those who had fallen. For within the depths of this brutal war, Aria knew that every moment of survival was a victory worth fighting for.

Aria's heart hammered against her ribcage with the relentless force of a war drum, each beat echoing the urgency of her mission. She gulped in air, tasting the metallic tang of blood and acrid smoke that permeated the atmosphere. She couldn't afford to lose focus now—she had to find them, no matter the cost.


The voice cut through the oppressive silence like a beacon, pulling Aria from the depths of her helplessness. With renewed determination, she bolted towards the source of the call, her eyes scanning the chaotic scene before her. Her gaze landed on Seraphina's mother, Anna, huddled amongst a group of terrified prisoners.

"Anna!" Aria exclaimed, relief flooding through her at the sight of the woman's familiar face. But then she noticed the dark stain spreading across Anna's side and felt a surge of panic rising within her. "You're hurt. We need to get you out of here."

But Anna's urgent whisper stopped her in her tracks. "Wait," she rasped, her features contorted with pain. "More are coming."

As if on cue, a group of battered individuals emerged from the thick haze of smoke and ash, their wrists shackled and faces streaked with soot and grime. Aria recognized some of Leo's soldiers and her own people, their proud spirits broken by their captors.

And then a sound behind her shattered her attention.

"Leo!" Aria hissed as she tensed at the sight of her two friends emerging from the shadows. "What is she doing here?"

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