Chapter four

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As the following day approached, Aria woke up to find Leo gazing out the window with a pensive expression on his face. She couldn't help but think, "you kept your promise, Leo," as if his staying awake for one night was a remarkable accomplishment. Shaking off the thought and her tangled brown hair, she reminded herself not to let him grow on her just because she seen how tragic his childhood was. Despite the memories that portrayed him as a victim, she could not forget that he was still considered the enemy. The walls of her heart were fortified against any potential compassion or empathy towards him, for he had forever stained her life with his actions. No amount of time spent together nor how close they could ever get could change the fact that he was the one responsible for her suffering and loss. She was determined to never let him forget that, no matter how much he tried to redeem himself in her eyes.

Leo noticed Aria awake and smirked at her, saying, "good morning, sleeping beauty. I thought you'd never wake."

Aria looked at him in disgust, her face contorting instantly. Chuckling, Leo returned to his view outside, ignoring her panicked state.

Aria hurriedly searched for the bathroom, opening door after door. In her frantic search, she stumbled upon a room that seemed to belong to a child. Inside, she saw pictures of a once happy family and abandoned toys. As she shut the door and sank onto the floor, the reality of her parents' death overwhelmed her. She recalled the contorted state of their bodies and how they held onto each other, even in death.

Tears streamed down Aria's face as her panic increased, making it difficult for her to breathe. She felt as though she couldn't escape, desperately clawing at her own throat. It was the first panic attack she had ever experienced. Her vision blurred, and her mind raced. Trying to find an exit, she stumbled and screamed for Leo's help, but her voice was barely audible.

Her body hit the wood flooring as she blacked out and Leo rushed in, the door creaking as it opened, asking, "Aria, what's the matter?"

She couldn't tell if he was really there or if it was just a dream, but she heard everything happening around her.

"Aria, wake up!" Leo slapped her to bring her back to consciousness.

Opening her eyes, Aria saw Leo crouched over her. She realized she was on the floor and felt uncomfortable.

Confused, she asked, "why are you in my face?"

Attempting to sit up, Leo, who told her not to get up yet, as he believed she had a panic attack, stopped Aria.

Lying back down, she looked up at him and smiled slightly.

"What?" Leo questioned.

With a hint of amusement, Aria replied, "look at you caring if I live or die."

She tucked a piece of hair behind Leo's ear that previously dangled in his face, slightly unsettling him. "You wouldn't have died." He retorted, standing back up to be away from her, and untucked his hair quickly.

Aria stood up shortly after, wobbling a bit, and almost fainted again. Leo grabbed ahold of her arm tightly to prevent her from hitting the ground.

"Ouch!" Aria exclaimed, freeing herself from his firm grip.

"You're a dick," she said, storming out of the room, through the house, and then out of the front door.

Leo stood there, bewildered, questioning what had just happened and why she was so furious. He decided not to let her actions deter him and followed her out of the house, but stopped in his tracks as she looked back at him and the front door slammed, keeping him from her, the house shaking forcibly after.

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