Chapter eighteen

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"The plan," he sighed, "did not go as planned."

Aria looked at him with a mix of disbelief and frustration. "You dumb fuck."

Each time Leo spoke of his plan, it seemed to change and evolve into something more reckless than the last. This time it was to charm their way into the enemy camp and extract the prisoners without causing a commotion. But the bruised eye he returned with told a different story. Aria knew this plan was doomed from the start, but reasoning with Leo was like trying to get an unmovable boulder to move—pointless. The group huddled in the dark depths of the woods, waiting for a signal that never came. And when Leo finally stumbled back, sporting his new blackened eye, they all knew that it was up to Aria to salvage the situation. After all, she was the only one level-headed enough to make things right amidst Leo's impulsive actions and stubborn pride.

"Screw the plans," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration.

"Let's just wait until nightfall and charge in when they least expect it, just like we discussed from the start." Her eyes narrowed, locking onto Leo's. He responded with a mocking frown as he held her gaze, silently pleading for understanding as he held his eye.

But before he could say anything, she couldn't help but break into a sly grin.

"Wrong eye, asshole," she said playfully, her lips curling up in amusement at the sight of his mistake.

The dying light of the day cast long shadows across the encampment ahead, emphasizing the tension that hung in the air like a heavy fog. Aria could feel it coiling around her as she waited for nightfall, when they would storm Camp Adams. Her heart raced, but she refused to let fear consume her. Instead, she focused on the conversation with one of the rebel fighters, her own voice steady and determined.

"Mark my words," she said, her brown eyes flashing with conviction, "we will bring them down."

As the words left her lips, a familiar face caught her eye. The girl she had seen with Leo in his tent days ago approached, her weary smile belying the trepidation beneath. "I'm Amber," she offered, extending a hand towards Aria.

Aria's grip was cautious and brief, her mind still on the impending battle. She quickly returned to her conversation, but Amber persisted, lowering herself onto the ground beside her. This time, the girl's voice wavered, nerves evident in her tone. "So, are you and Leo?"

Aria's annoyance flared, but she suppressed it just as quickly, furrowing her brows and shaking her head. "No, no, of course not," she replied, trying to put any rumors to rest. "Why would you think that?"

Amber's smile returned, her namesake eyes shining brightly. She hesitated before continuing, her gaze drifting toward the over shirt Aria wore—Leo's over shirt. "Right, I just thought- because-"

Aria's cheeks flushed as she hastily removed the garment, embarrassment tinging her words. "Oh no, he's just nice like that. I was cold-"

She stopped herself, realizing she was defending her enemy. A man who hardly needed it. A man who hardly deserved it. Leo Cameron was nothing if not complex, his walls built high and impenetrable. He was a soldier, snarky and selfless in equal measure—a man who could be both gentle and rough when the situation called for it.

Aria's eyes narrowed as she watched Amber chuckle, the sound slicing through the tension that hung in the air like a thick fog. "Leo, nice? That's funny," Amber managed between breaths, her laughter grating on Aria's nerves.

"Wh-what's so funny?" Aria asked, the confusion etched into the furrows of her brow deepening as she tried to make sense of Amber's amusement.

Amber shook her head, her smile never leaving her face. "Oh...nothing." The words were almost dismissive, casting aside Aria's concern without a second thought.

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