Chapter 24

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The door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit interior where the fae awaited, their eyes a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Aria guided Cass inside, her brown eyes darting across the room as she assessed the atmosphere. "Everyone, this is Cass," she announced, gesturing toward the haggard figure beside her.

"Welcome, Cass," murmured some of the fae, though their voices were tinged with unease. The fae who had been prisoners of Evangeline regarded her warily, flinching at every involuntary twitch of Cass's long, witch-like nails. Their reaction weighed heavily upon Cass, whose dull hazel eyes seemed to sink even further into her faded violet skin.

"Come on, guys, let's not make her feel like an outcast," Aria interjected, her tone light but firm. She knew she couldn't erase the wariness of those who had suffered under Evangeline's rule, but she hoped to blunt its edge with her own playful humor. "Cass was once a prisoner too, you know."

Some of the tension eased from the room, replaced by hesitant smiles and nods of understanding. However, Cass remained on the periphery, her shoulders hunched and gaze downcast, clearly uncomfortable with the attention she had drawn. Aria's empathy for Cass drove her to continue her efforts to keep everyone's spirits up, making sarcastic quips and jests that elicited laughter from several fae.

"Alright, now that we've broken the ice, let's get to know each other better," Aria suggested, her expressive body language and animated tone inviting camaraderie among the group.

As Aria finished introducing Cass to the fae, her gaze met Seraphina's soft green eyes, and the weight of their shared history flooded through her. In an instant, she crossed the room, her petite frame colliding with Seraphina's in a tight embrace. "I've missed you so much," Aria whispered.

"Likewise," Seraphina replied, her voice lilting like a gentle breeze. After a minute, she pulled back, tears glistening in her eyes as she smiled at Aria. "I'm just glad to see you alive. I thought we might have to start searching for brave adventurers to rescue us both from our respective towers."

Aria laughed, brushing away a stray tear that threatened to spill from her own eye. "You know me—always finding a way to escape."

"Indeed," agreed Fern, his marigold eyes warm with affection. "Just don't make a habit of getting captured, alright? We don't have any heroes to send after you."

"Deal," Aria chuckled, momentarily lost in the comforting familiarity of her friends' banter. But as she glanced back at Cass, who still lingered on the edge of the gathering, Aria knew their ordeal was far from over. The scars left by Evangeline's cruelty ran deep, and only time would tell if they could ever truly heal.

The room seemed to hum with the warmth of reunions as Aria's gaze fell on Alexzavier, his blue eyes alight with relief. Before she even realized it, her feet carried her towards him, and they collided in an embrace that spoke of battles fought and won. "I'm so glad you pulled through," Aria murmured, her voice barely audible over the din of conversation. "I was so worried."

"Of course I did," Alexzavier responded, his tone playful yet tinged with an undercurrent of somberness. "You know I can't resist a good fight."

As they separated, a scoff echoed through the room, drawing their attention to Leo. Aria's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his sardonic expression, and she watched as he rolled his eyes before disappearing into the bedroom.

The warmth of the reunion suddenly seemed stifled by the chill emanating from Leo's retreating form. An invisible thread tugged at Aria's heart, urging her to follow; she needed to understand what could be making him so on edge.

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