Chapter three

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The scent of the ancient house reached her nose, a mixture of old dust and forgotten memories with a faint hint of mold.
The front room lay empty, its white walls bare and its wood flooring creaking under pressure.

"Welcome home." Aria muttered to herself in a half-joking manner, acknowledging that they would stay there for the night. It wasn't her ideal location, but given that they had no choice, it would have to suffice.

Impending darkness crept along quickly, while Leo still stood outside, talking to himself while absentmindedly kicking at the overgrown grass. Aria didn't want to disturb him, so she watched his actions from the living room window, ducking down quickly whenever he looked up from his personal game of grass-kicking. His darkened eyes focused on the house. Eventually, she grew tired of the charade and explored the rest of the place, noticing a rather large kitchen. Opening each cabinet and drawer, she stumbled upon a picture of a family, presumably the previous occupants of the house. Two parents and three children stood in front of the very house she now occupied, their smiles a stark contrast to the current desolation. The image evoked a pang of longing within her, making her miss her own family. She hoped wherever they were; they were still together, happy and intact. Unlike her and her family. She closed the drawer, sealing away their blissful memories.

"So let me get this straight once more... you're really a fairy?" Leo finally spoke, startling Aria from behind as she jumped, swiftly turning to face him. They stood only a few feet apart, and his unruly hair gave him a disheveled appearance.

"We prefer the term fae folk, but yes," she replied nonchalantly, giving a shrug as if it were no big deal.

"I thought everyone knew. The government granted us our land and as long as we didn't bother anyone, they promised to leave us alone. We've been here for 50 years."

Leo's eyes widened in surprise. "no, I didn't know," he admitted, stepping closer to Aria, who couldn't help but feel a flutter of unease in her chest. The imposing figure of the soldier still scared her.

"Why didn't you guys just use your magical powers and defeat us?" He questioned, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity, though Aria found it rather foolish.

"Fae folk are healers by nature. We live in harmony with people, animals, and nature." She explained, though Leo appeared skeptical, his head turning away and a doubtful expression crossing his face.

"Right. So, what were you doing back there then? It didn't look like healing to me," he challenged, causing Aria to look down and fidget with the hem of her green dress, picking at it nervously, no longer wanting to face his judgement.

"I'm different," she muttered, her voice barely audible.

"Different how?" Leo persisted, his voice laced with persistent curiosity.

"I can manipulate nature," Aria revealed, finally looking up at him, her eyes meeting his. She pleaded silently with her gaze, hoping he would drop the subject.

"Show me," Leo urged, stepping even closer, until they were almost touching.

Aria shook her head slowly, her voice filled with apprehension. "No."

"Show me," Leo asserted, his tone more demanding, his eyes never leaving hers.

Once again, she vehemently refused, shaking her head. "Why would I take orders from you?"

He took another step toward her, pushing her back until she yelped, her back hitting the counter behind her. The pain shot through her, but she maintained her defiant stare.

"Show. Me. Now."
The soldier had a way of making people listen with how his tone carried a sense of authority. Despite that, she looked up at him with pleading eyes.
"Please don't make me."

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