Chapter 31

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Aria's breath clouded the frosty air as she stood, shivering, in the dimly lit yard of the safe house. A month had passed since their return, and the once-familiar haven now felt foreign, tainted by the weight of secrets and unspoken tension. Through the window, she could see Leo's parents huddled together, their faces drawn and fearful, a stark contrast to the laughter and warmth that once filled them.

"Ready?" Leo's voice cut through the coldness, his tone distant and detached. The scar across his nose seemed more prominent in the frigid air, its faded pink hue almost glowing against his pale skin.

"Always," Aria replied, clenching her fists and bracing for the impact of their sparring session.

Since returning to the safe house, their conversations had been reduced to terse exchanges punctuated by the crackle of magic and the dull thud of flesh against flesh. Leo would often disappear for hours on end, taking solace in long walks through the dense forest that only he knew the destination of. And while Aria sought comfort in Buddy's fierce loyalty and Cass's biting wit, she couldn't ignore the emptiness that gnawed at her soul.

"Stay focused!" Leo warned before sending a powerful kick her way.

Aria narrowly dodged it, her heart pounding as she mustered all her strength and retaliated with a swift punch. Their movements were fluid, almost mechanical, as if they were merely shadows of their former selves going through the motions of a once familiar dance.

With a mocking lilt to her voice, Aria goaded, "Is that all you've got?" Her words were slathered in sarcasm, a thin layer of bravado meant to mask the unease that coursed through her veins.

"Hardly," Leo grunted, catching her off guard with a sudden flurry of strikes.

As their bodies collided, the only sounds that filled the air were the sharp exhales of exertion and the occasional grunts of impact. Despite her best efforts, Aria struggled to keep up with Leo's skillful movements.

When their sparring session came to an end, they parted without a word, their unspoken grievances lying heavy between them.

Aria sought refuge in Buddy's comforting presence as soon as she could, grateful for the support and protection he provided. His red eyes glowed with an unsettling intensity as he always stood watch over her. Cass had begrudgingly brought him back from their last mission, and Aria was thankful for the added strength and support the creature provided. In the rare moments when she wasn't with Cass or Buddy, Aria sought distraction in meaningless encounters with Rowen—drawn to his touch and the brief respite it provided from their tumultuous reality.

"Thanks for being here, Buddy," Aria murmured, ruffling the beast's thick fur as she poured out her frustration and longing into his silent, unwavering strength.

Their small world seemed to be crumbling around them, with Arsepia's metallic hum and Blackspire's muddy gloom encroaching on their once-peaceful sanctuary. The uncertainty that hung over their lives threatened to consume them all, driving them further apart even as they fought to survive Evangeline's iron-fisted rule.

As Aria stroked Buddy's fur, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them all. Would they ever find a way to break free from the oppressive weight of war and violence? Or were they doomed to live in the shadows of their past, haunted by the specter of survival?

Only time would tell, and as the sun set over them, casting a somber glow across the land, Aria steeled herself for the battles yet to come.

After Buddy sauntered away, disinterested in Aria's company, Aria lay in a dimly lit room. Her body tangled in sweat-soaked sheets that now felt like chains, binding her to a sense of revulsion. The lingering scent of carnal desire mixed with the musty smell of the room surrounded her. She couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness that had settled deep within her.

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