Chapter seven

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Aria despised her innate trustfulness. Her community's culture ingrained in her the belief to trust everyone and everything, which was commendable in a tight-knit, faultless society but became a liability amid a war where discerning friend from foe was crucial.

Regret flooded her when she put faith in a soldier. However, desperate to survive, she reasoned that who better to trust against soldiers than one of their own? Despite apprehensions about his loyalty as she got to know him, she found solace in his seemingly genuine demeanor. However, her hopes shattered when she uncovered his true malevolent nature. The abrupt shift from hero to villain left her shuddering. She surmised that his guarded, stoic facade resulted from past trauma, barricading himself against potential harm. Yet, his past had already molded him, transforming him from tormented to tormentor.

With all of this running through her head, Aria was determined to break free. She diligently worked on grinding the handcuff against the metal post. The moonlight provided scant illumination, cloaking her escape attempt in secrecy. Each abrasion inflicted on her wrist elicited pain, but she persevered, the bruises darkening, which gave the impression of her skin growing paler. Ignoring the stinging ache, she pressed on, her mind fixed on fleeing. Making her continue faster even when blood began trickling down the silver-colored cuff and down her small arm, leaving her skin crimson stained, half hiding her darkening bruises. The sound of the handcuff snapping coincided with the boisterous approach of men, celebrating a successful mission. Aria concealed her readiness to flee as the general announced the discovery of a safe house, triggering conflicting emotions within her.

"We've found a safe house!"
The crowd roared at his words.

"And tomorrow we'll have the information for the second safe house!"
His voice rose louder with every word, speaking as if he knew everyone was hanging off of every word that left his mouth and that what he had to say was important. Even Aria listened intently, her eyes widening as she heard their plan was successful. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She didn't know which she was crying about, that they had her people in custody to torture for information, or that some of her people and possibly more of her kind were still alive and out there. The emotions electrified the air inside the tent and her hair was standing on edge.

Moments later, the general walked through the tent and looked at her proudly. His chest puffed like a man who had just conquered the world and expected endless gratitude. His self-assured smirk repulsed her. She glared at him angrily, her face showing the disgust she felt for him so clearly now.

His boots echoed off the tent walls as he stalked his way closer to her and fumbled with the key in his pocket. He kneeled and fit the key inside the cuff, setting her free. His face was too close for comfort as he did and Aria spit at him. The huge smile the man wore fell instantly, and he smacked her across the face. The impact rang in her ears and she felt the heat raising atop her cheek, throwing her hand up to hold it.

"You need taught a lesson, bitch."
He almost growled with intensity at those words, his face showing he wanted to torture her in several ways by now.

His hand grabbed her wrist and flung her to a standing position. She cried out for a moment as she felt weight and pressure distribute through her left leg. The general didn't seem to mind her noises as she whimpered in pain every time he tugged her wrist, demanding she follow him. She limped awkwardly, dragging her left boot along the ground with every step, making it hard to walk.

The moon outside the tent cast its luminous glow over Aria as she blinked against the brightness emerging from the recent darkness. Despite the clouds veiling the night sky and obscuring the stars, the full moon provided her with a sense of solace. Entranced by its radiant light, she found comfort in its watchful presence, a beacon in the night that shielded things from being consumed by the shadows. Inhaling the earthy scents carried by the damp air, a mix of plant oils, dirt, and the promise of imminent rain, Aria relaxed into the enveloping aroma, momentarily easing her senses.

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