Chapter 28

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Under a canopy of branches in disarray, Aria and Leo approached the outskirts of Evergreen. The walk that once felt like an eternity now seemed to have passed in the blink of an eye. Aria's heart hammered against her ribcage as she choked back tears, struggling to maintain her composure in front of Leo. Each step forward left her feeling more vulnerable, as if a chasm was expanding within her chest.

"Leo," Aria said, her voice wavering as they reached the edge of her village. "I need to do this alone."

"Are you sure?" he asked, concern etched into his dark brown eyes.

"Please," she whispered, waving her hand that sent a gust of wind barreling towards him. Leo stumbled backward, falling backwards with a grunt. There was no room for banter, no time for playful jests, or questions as her heart threatened to burst from her chest. She needed to confront this nightmare and put it behind her.

"Fine," Leo grumbled, his expression a mix of hurt and frustration.

Aria turned away, her heart pounding like a drum as she walked deeper into Evergreen. Normally, she reveled in the witty repartee between them; it was like a dance, their words intertwining and pushing each other to greater heights. But today, her mind and soul were frayed, unable to withstand any further strain.

As she ventured further, memories clawed at her thoughts, drowning her in pain and regret. She envisioned happier times, playing under the same trees now stained by war and violence. Her breath caught in her throat, a sob threatening to escape. But she refused to break, not yet.

"Stay strong, Aria," she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible over the rustle of leaves and distant cries of birds. "You can do this."

Determined to face her past, she pushed forward, the weight of loss and sorrow threatening to crush her with every step.

Aria stepped gingerly through the once-familiar trees, their gnarled roots twisting beneath her feet like a nest of serpents. The scent of flowers hung heavy in the air, cloying and oppressive, as if nature sought to smother the horrors wrought upon this land. She longed to turn back, to flee from the memories that threatened to consume her, but something compelled her onward, an unrelenting force that refused to be denied.

"Keep going," she whispered, her breath hitching as she choked back a sob. "You've come this far."

With each step, the flower field seemed to come alive around her, vibrant blooms swaying in the breeze like a living tapestry. Yet, as she passed by the spots where she remembered bodies lying lifeless, there was no sign of their gruesome fate; only flowers, their colors impossibly bright against the dark soil.

Where are they? Aria wondered.

At the edge of her vision, a massive willow tree loomed, its branches splayed outward in a graceful dance. But it was the two entwined limbs, wrapped tightly around one another, that sent a shiver down her spine. In that moment, Aria couldn't help but see her parents—their bloodied forms clinging to each other, desperately trying to hold onto love and life.

"Mom... Dad..." she murmured, tears pooling in her eyes as the memory assaulted her senses.

The chilling image of her parents enveloped Aria, dragging her into the depths of her own mind. She could hear the blood trickling down, feel the warmth of it as it seeped into the earth beneath them. And amidst the chaos and carnage, their love burned like a beacon, a testament to the strength of their spirit even in the face of unspeakable horror.

The ghosts of her past tightened their grip on her heart.

As she stood there, trembling beneath the weight of her grief and fear, Aria knew that she couldn't run from the truth any longer. The pain that threatened to devour her would only be sated by facing the darkness head-on, by confronting the demons that haunted her every waking moment.

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