Chapter 22

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A cold shiver slithered down Aria's spine, the ominous silence enveloping her like a suffocating fog. Cass's ragged breaths were the only sound that broke through the eerie quiet as they both picked themselves up from the damp ground, muscles coiled with tension. Desperation burned in Aria's golden-brown eyes, a fierce determination to escape the clutches of Camp Adams and its merciless ruler.

"Come on," Aria whispered urgently, her voice a mere shadow of itself. "We need to keep moving." She gave Cass's arm a reassuring squeeze, trying to ignore the flicker of doubt lurking behind the other woman's weary hazel gaze.

As they made their way through the camp, the world seemed to hold its breath, every rustle of leaves or creaking branch sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through Aria's veins. It was too quiet, too still; an unsettling calm before an inevitable storm.

And then, there she was: Evangeline Adams, her flame-red hair licking at the twilight sky like a raging inferno. Her presence loomed large at the very edge of the camp, like a predator surveying her territory for any sign of rebellion.

"Shit," Aria muttered under her breath, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribcage. Cass whimpered softly beside her, the sound barely audible but enough to send icy tendrils of fear snaking through Aria's gut.

They tried to creep away, to slip unnoticed through the shadows, but fate had other plans. With a sudden, guttural howl, Buddy—Evangeline's monstrous hound—bared his teeth and growled menacingly in their direction, his red eyes narrowed to slits.

"Damn it!" Aria cursed inwardly, her mind racing to formulate a plan. But even her usually quick-witted mind seemed to be faltering under the weight of the impending threat.

"Who's there?" Evangeline's voice sliced through the air like a razor-sharp blade, the malevolent undertone sending shivers skittering down Aria's spine. The woman's green eyes snapped towards them, her eyebrows arching in a dangerous mix of surprise and fury.

"Show yourselves," Evangeline commanded, her tone leaving no room for defiance.

Aria exchanged a brief, fearful glance with Cass before stepping forward, her chin raised defiantly despite the tremor in her limbs. She would not allow herself to be cowed by this woman; she had come too far to give up now.

"Ah, the runaway and her accomplice," Evangeline sneered, her eyes narrowing as a predatory smile spread across her face. "Did you really think you could escape so easily?"

"Better than staying here with you," Aria shot back, her voice stronger than she felt. If she was going to meet her end, she would do so on her own terms, not as a victim cowering at the feet of a tyrant.

"Bold words," Evangeline mused, her gaze flickering between Aria and Cass. "But I wonder how long that bravery will last once I've dealt with your little friend here."

"Leave her out of this!" Aria snarled, her protectiveness for Cass flaring like a beacon in the darkness. But even as she spoke the words, she knew the futility of her plea.

They were both trapped, ensnared by a web of power and cruelty that threatened to consume them whole. And as the three women stood facing each other in the dying light, Aria's heart clenched painfully with the sudden realization that perhaps there was no escape—only the bitter struggle for survival in a world where mercy was a distant, fading memory.

The air crackled with tension, a palpable force that seemed to cloak the three women in its oppressive embrace. Aria's heart pounded relentlessly against her ribcage as Evangeline's piercing green eyes bore into Cass, her cold voice dripping with disdain.

"What attempt is this? Your tenth?" she mocked, causing Cass to visibly pale. Aria glanced at her companion, confusion marring her own features, but quickly regained her composure and leveled her gaze on Evangeline. "Don't come any closer," she warned, defiance burning through her veins.

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