Chapter thirteen

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As the new day dawned, Aria felt a weight lift from her body. The oppressive tension that had lingered in the air was gone, and she could finally breathe freely. With a sigh of relief, she sat up slowly, careful not to disturb Seraphina, who slept next to her. Every other night, Aria found herself waking up to see the blonde curled up in Leo's section of her bed, seeking solace and security by her side. It warmed Aria's heart to know that Seraphina found comfort in her presence. In that moment, she felt more like a leader than ever before.

With a soft smile, Aria admired the sleeping girl, noting how peaceful and innocent she looked when all worries were erased from her face. She couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards Seraphina, as if it was her duty to ensure her safety and happiness. Aria knew she would do whatever it takes to keep this girl safe and content under her leadership.

Aria experienced a new sense of lightness in the days following Leo's departure. She watched as her people resumed their daily lives without the burden of sadness or fear, and she couldn't help but feel relieved. Now, free from the constant pouting and negativity, she could focus on being the leader she was meant to be.

As she stood in the center of the field, Aria observed her people with a critical eye. They were laughing freely once again, their smiles genuine and their conversations filled with hope for the future. It was clear that they were thriving without the man who had only brought negative energy into their lives.

Aria's attention was drawn to Fern as he punched at an invisible opponent with fierce determination. From her vantage point, it looked like he might actually be losing the fight. She couldn't help but smile and stifle a giggle behind her hand. As she turned her head, she caught Seraphina's intense gaze on the same scene. Moving closer to the shy girl, Aria whispered teasingly, "He's cute, isn't he?" The unexpected comment made Seraphina jump in surprise, her cheeks flushing pink. Aria couldn't help but smirk as she received a shy nod in response—a confirmation of her suspicions about Seraphina's crush on Fern.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she admitted, "He's my brother's best friend." Aria looked at her with a puzzled expression, trying to understand the significance. Her eyes followed Seraphina's gaze to the boys playfully roughhousing nearby. Next to Fern stood Seraphina's brother, tall and confident, with his dirty brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Normally, Aria would have found him attractive, but his eyes bore an unsettling resemblance to the general's. She shook off the thought and continued observing the group, watching as they took part in a friendly boxing match. Fern, who stood in front of Alexzavier, seemed almost tiny in comparison.

"I'm confused," Aria finally admitted after a long pause, causing Seraphina to look at her with furrowed brows.

"I could never date him," Seraphina explained with a twinge of sadness in her voice. "My brother would kill us both." And then it clicked for Aria. Seraphina was afraid to pursue a relationship with her brother's best friend out of fear of disappointing him.

Aria couldn't help but let out a laugh, and soon enough Seraphina joined in. As they sat there laughing together, Aria spoke again. "Love is unstoppable. It doesn't matter who you are or what your brother thinks. If it's real, nothing can stand in its way. Don't miss out on something that could bring you happiness." Seraphina listened intently, her expression somber but understanding. She pulled Aria into a tight hug, and for a moment, Aria forgot about the chaos of the war around them. In that moment, all that mattered was this quiet exchange between two friends.

As they parted, Aria couldn't help but comment on Seraphina's strength. "My god, why aren't you out there fighting?" She marveled at the girl's fierce grip during their embrace. Seraphina chuckled softly before thanking her for the advice and walking towards Fern and Alexzavier, who were still engaged in their rough sparring match.

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