Chapter 21

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Ignoring the throbbing pain in her wrist, Aria steadied herself and faced Evangeline bravely. "I'm not a toy, Evangeline," she spat out defiantly, "And I won't be used for your petty games."

She knew to them she was the spectacle of the evening. A puppet made to dance for their amusement so when Evangeline merely chuckled at the comment it seemed right. The redhead gave a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders and replied with a smirk playing on her lips, "We'll see about that."

A cold shiver ran down Aria's spine at those words, but she refused to let Evangeline see her fear. She clenched her fists tightly at her sides as if preparing for a battle and glared back at the older woman.

All at once, it seemed as if time stopped. The field fell into silence so deep that Aria could hear the blood rushing in her ears. The anticipation hung heavy in the night air and every creature seemed to be holding their breath waiting for Evangeline's next move.

Aria squared her shoulders and locked eyes with Evangeline—matching each flicker of amusement in those green eyes with a look of fierce determination.

"If you wish to play games," Aria began, taking slow deliberate steps towards the center of the circle where Evangeline was standing. "Then let's play."

She didn't know where this newfound confidence was coming from—maybe it was adrenaline or perhaps it was desperation—but either way she welcomed it with open arms.

Evangeline raised an eyebrow at that but didn't say anything in response. Instead, her lips curled into a dark smile. "Very well," she said after a moment of silence. The challenge in her tone was unmistakable.

And so, the deadly dance began once again.

Evangeline moved first, lunging towards Aria with an unholy speed that belied her grace. This time, however, Aria was ready. She dodged Evangeline's attack and retaliated with one of her own—a swift kick aimed at the redhead's midsection.

But even as the blow connected and Evangeline stumbled back, Aria knew something wasn't right. She watched in horror as Evangeline merely chuckled, completely unfazed by the attack.

"Just as I thought," Evangeline said, grinning at Aria. "You're full of surprises."

Aria took a step back, wary of Evangeline's calm demeanor despite her successful attack. It was then that she noticed it—the faint glow emanating from where her foot had connected with Evangeline's body.

The realization hit her like a kick to her own gut: Evangeline hadn't been affected by her attack because she'd used magic to protect herself.

All at once, Aria understood what this 'game' truly was—a test of endurance. A test to see if she could outlast the woman's manipulation and dark magic.

A cruel game designed by a predator to prey on her hope, her naivety, her faith in the possibility of an equal fight. An amusement bleeding from the twisted mind of a centuries-old enchantress, who saw everyone as playthings for her entertainment.

Aria felt a bitter taste in her mouth as the truth sunk in. Despair threatened to engulf her, but she clamped it down fiercely. She wasn't about to give Evangeline the satisfaction of seeing her break.

"No more surprises," she warned, eyes hardening into golden flames. "You've made your point, Evangeline."

The crowd around them went wild, their cheers and jeers echoing across the field like a grotesque symphony. Evangeline was nothing if not a show-woman, using her magic to entertain them while maintaining her dominance over Aria.

Aria could practically taste the excitement in the air. It rolled off the gathering in waves, making her stomach churn. But it was Cass' expression that caught Aria's eye. The creature's gaze was trained on her, hazel eyes wide and filled with an unspoken terror.

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