Chapter 26

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The air hung heavy with the oppressive weight of danger, a palpable tension suffocating the trio as they stood frozen in place. Aria could feel the tension like a physical force, crushing her chest and making it hard to breathe. Her heart thundered in her chest, each beat echoing the growls that drew ever closer. The dense woods surrounding them seemed to close in, suffocating and claustrophobic.

"Run," Leo whispered, his voice barely audible yet carrying the force of an impending storm. "Now."

With a surge of adrenaline, Aria broke free from her paralysis and darted into the shadowy depths of the forest in the wrong direction, leaving behind any semblance of safety she felt with Cass and Leo. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, the sounds of her flight drowned out by the relentless pounding of blood in her ears.

And then it came: a howl so chilling and piercing it felt as though the very world itself was tipping off its axis. Aria skidded to a halt, icy tendrils of dread snaking down her spine. She knew that howl all too well. It haunted her dreams and nightmares alike, a cruel reminder of the violence and suffering that had brought them all to this point.

"Damn you," Aria muttered under her breath, a fire sparking within her chest to combat the cold terror that gripped her heart. "You can't have me. Not yet."

The frantic echoes of Leo's panicked shouts pierced through the thick trees, setting Aria's heart racing. Fear threatened to immobilize her, but she knew she couldn't let it overpower her. She pressed forward, legs pumping furiously as she raced onward.

"Stay away from it!" Cass's voice cut through the chaos, raw and desperate. Aria felt a pang of guilt for all their past bickering and mistrust; she knew deep down that Cass was just as desperate to survive as she was.

And then her breath caught in her throat as she found herself face to face with the monstrous creature, its red eyes gleaming like embers in the darkness. For a moment, her heart threatened to seize entirely, but then recognition flickered through her mind and her shoulders slumped in relief.

"Thought I was in trouble there for a second," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But it's just you, isn't it? You mangy mutt."

Buddy's response was instantaneous; his tongue lolled out of his mouth and he barked at her, a surprisingly playful sound that seemed incongruous with his fearsome appearance. A part of Aria tensed at the noise, memories of their previous encounters swirling through her mind like a poison-tipped blade, but she pushed past her fear and moved towards him. As if sensing her intent, Buddy rolled onto his back, wings spread wide in an almost comically affectionate gesture.

"Fine," Aria muttered, reaching down to stroke the soft fur beneath Buddy's chin. "I guess you're not all bad."

The sudden sound of heavy, ragged breathing behind her made Aria's heart skip a beat. She spun around in alarm to find Leo panting, his chest rising and falling with each gasp of air. Sweat glistened on his forehead and his dark eyes were wide with panic as he frantically gestured towards Buddy, the dog Aria was treating as her friend.

"Get away from it, Aria!" he hissed, a note of panic in his voice. "That thing is dangerous, do you even know who's dog that is?"

Aria turned her head to look at Buddy, his bright eyes studied her curiously, mirroring her own curious gaze. They both tilted their heads simultaneously at Leo, causing him to pale in terror.

"Really, Leo?" Aria scoffed, amusement lacing her words. "This dog?"

She reached down and pet Buddy again, then let out a theatrical shriek. "Oh no, Leo! Help, he's got me!"

"Stop fooling around," Leo growled, rolling his eyes. "It's not funny."

Aria shrugged, her golden brown eyes twinkling with mischief. "I thought it was pretty funny."

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