' Chapter 24 '

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(TW: Blood/Violence.)

We all looked to where the noise came from- and when I saw it I froze. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. Some of the guards including River and Clover were getting everyone out of the arena while others were firing arrows at the creature that made the noise. I couldn’t see it fully since it was so far away-… But it was flying towards us… The closer it got the clearer I could tell what it was- It was a dragon... I heard Clover call out to some of the guards.


Guard: “But miss what about- “

Clover: “THAT’S AN ORDER.”

The guard nodded and then went to help the others get everyone out of the arena. Meanwhile, I stayed where I was- frozen in place. I stared at the dragon as it was getting closer. It landed on the roof of the arena, breaking half of it. It had black scales that reflected green, gold, silver, and blue. It also had Dark green eyes and large wings... In all honesty, it would be a beautiful creature- If it weren’t for the fact it was trying to eat everyone right now-. By now almost everyone was gone, except for a few guards who stayed behind to try and fight it. Faith was running away like everyone else but she must have noticed I wasn’t next to her anymore. She turned around and Saw me.

Faith: “Lyra! Come on- we have to get out of-…… here…?”

Faith’s POV:

I was running away with the group when I realized Lyra wasn’t with me anymore- I looked around and saw her still in the arena. I ran back to her while calling out but then I stopped. I stared at her for a few minutes. She was-…. Floating…- and- some kind of lights were circling her- slowly at first- but then they got faster-

Faith: “What in the name of- “

Before I could say anything else, Luna came running over with the others.

Luna: “There you are Faith! Are you ok-? Where’s Lyra?!- “

I pointed to where Lyra was and they all went silent.

Hunter: “What in the world-?”

We all just stood there for a few minutes. The dragon focused its attention on her and looked like it was going to attack her- but instead, it just stopped and stared at her.

Lyra’s POV.


didn’t know what happened- I was- floating- and some sort of lights were circling me- I must have been distracted... I could see Faith, Luna, Hunter, and Void out of the corner of my eye- They looked shocked- I don’t blame them. I slowly looked around and realized the dragon was right in front of me. Staring at me. I thought back to earlier and the day before

{One of my powers could’ve been flight…. Then… this makes a lot more sense.}

I looked the dragon in the eye and it started growling. I slowly backed up and it stepped closer. I looked around seeing almost everyone was gone. Except for Luna and the others still watching from where they were. I looked back at the dragon and for some reason, something inside of me snapped. I suddenly felt- angry?... I don’t know why I was mad… I glared at the dragon and it roared. Without realizing it, I had turned into my wolf form. The lights were still circling me and my eyes turned a blood-red color. The dragon roared again and I growled loudly in response.

Kendi’s POV:

We (The group) Stayed quiet as we watched all this unfold. The dragon stepped closer to Lyra, Lyra turning into her wolf form- Oh gosh this is chaotic…

{Wait….. the others don’t know about Lyra’s magic…. which means they also don’t know about yesterday and the fact she’s an ultima- SHOOT-}

I looked over at the others and as expected they all looked shocked. I looked back at Lyra. She was floating there and staring at the dragon.

Lyra’s POV:

I look at the dragon and growl again, it roars in response. I fly towards it and it tries to grab me, which proves to be unsuccessful. I flew up to it and started clawing at its eyes, it let out roars of pain. But I didn’t care. It was trying to hurt my friends…. So now…. I’ll make IT hurt. I clawed at its left eye, making it let out a terrible scream of pain. Which I would guess means it's been half-blinded. Blood dripped down from its left eye. It grabbed me and almost crushed me. It threw me onto the roof of the Arena and stabbed me in the gut with its tail. I growled loudly and flew up to its right wing. I dug my claws into the skin of its wing and started tearing it apart, making the dragon cry out again. It spun around and its large tail knocked me into the stands of the arena. It roared one final time before jumping into the sky and just barely flying away, being weighed down by its injured wing. I looked over at the others who were frozen in place- and then I saw Kendi and Luna running over to me. They were saying- Something-… but I couldn’t hear what-... My head started spinning and my vision was going dark… Then I passed out.

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