Chapter 1

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Jungkook's POV - 

In the dimly lit room, shadows danced across the peeling wallpaper, revealing the passage of time. The single window, draped in dusty curtains, allowed only slivers of sunlight to penetrate the gloom. A worn rug, frayed at the edges, lay beneath a rickety wooden table cluttered with forgotten trinkets. Jungkook is sleeping while hugging his sister.

 "Beep! Beep! Beep!"

"ahhh not again!!!!!  why this alarm always irritate the hell out of me ! like man let me and my princess sleep peacefully (A whining Jungkook said) princess!!!!!! ooo noooo school!!" he said waking up suddenly, what time is it he looked at the time and it's 7AM . 

"what!!!! "he looked at his sister who is sleeping soundly with him.

"Ji Ah!! baby wake up u will get late for school wake up baby" she was not waking up .

"ah not again okay okay i have a idea " he said while looking at his phone.

"who want ice-cream after school " he said showing his bunny theeths.

"me!!!!!!" ji Ah woke up jumping and she relized that it was just a trick of his brother to woke her up.

"oppaaaa Not again u can't fool me like this" said pouting while looking at her brother glaring cutely.

"baby go get ready i promise to take u to your favorite ice cream shop but frist get ready , sorry i can't help u with that today i have to make breakfast go now " he said he was trying to make her understand.

"but" Ji Ah tried to say something but Jungkook cut her off.

"no more but's just go" he know he was being strict but there is nothing else he can do he looked at her pouty face again and said "okay ice-cream strawberry flavor" Ji Ah hugged him after listening that and left to get ready. 

So yeah this is my simple life or should I say hustling life. i have a little sister to take care and im trying my best to manage each and everything perfectly for her because i want to provide her each and everything which she needed the most. currently im in the kitchen making breakfast . speaking of the devil here came my pouty princess i chuckled looking at her cute expression i know she is mad with me but i don't have any other option right now.

"okay baby eat your breakfast" he said giving her plate full of food but i know what she will say next.

"I don't wanna eat that" JI ah said looking at her plate.

"i knew it" kookie said to himself.

"You have to baby its healthy food and i will give you chocolates if you will be a good girl and eat it all." he said looking at her.

She silently started eating and Jungkook smiled at her. they both had breakfast while chit chatting well there was more of cute little fights then chatting but Jungkook was enjoying the every second of it, he loves his sister too much.

After breakfast ,now Jungkook was locking the house while Ji ah was being clingy to him . 

"oppa carry me or else i will not say I love you" she said while holding his shirt.

"I'll carry you but after you do this for me. Please stop fighting me and just wait let me lock the house". Jungkook was just trying to be patient with her and trying to get things done for the two of them.

after locking the house he carried her in his arms and said "You little brat can't even wait for a second huh?"

"I love you oppa" she said giggling and kissed him on his cheek. jungkook was so happy after watching her like this and soon they drove and reach the school but the in the whole way Ji ah was doing things to make her brother frustrated but Jungkook was handling everything perfectly because he is used to it now.

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