chapter 2

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Taehyung's POV -

As Taehyung made his way back home, his steps heavy with frustration, he found himself humming a tune under his breath, a futile attempt to soothe the anger within him. The argument with Jungkook had left a bitter taste in his mouth, his pride wounded by the insolence of the young waiter.

But as he entered his lavish house, his mood lifted slightly at the sight of his cousins, Jimin and Seokjin, waiting for him with warm smiles. "Congratulations, Tae!" Jimin exclaimed, his eyes shining with genuine happiness. "I heard the business deal went really well."

Seokjin nodded in agreement, pouring a glass of wine for Taehyung as he spoke. "You've really outdone yourself this time," he said, his tone filled with admiration. "You're unstoppable."

Taehyung managed a faint smile, acknowledging their praise with a nod of gratitude. However, as he sipped his wine, the memory of the heated exchange with Jungkook loomed large in his mind, casting a shadow over his moment of triumph.

"Just when everything seems to be going well, someone has to ruin it," Taehyung muttered, his tone tinged with frustration as he recounted the altercation with Jungkook.

Jimin's expression softened with sympathy as he placed a comforting hand on Taehyung's arm. "I'm sorry to hear that, Tae," he said, his voice gentle. "But don't let one person's negativity overshadow your success. You're stronger than that."

Seokjin nodded in agreement, his gaze unwavering. "Exactly, Tae. You've worked hard for this moment. Don't let anyone take it away from you."

Despite his friends' attempts to cheer him up, Taehyung couldn't get rid of the lingering irritation that gnawed at him. He took another sip of his wine, the bitter taste lingering on his tongue as he reflected on the day's events, his mind clouded with frustration and unresolved tension.

As Taehyung sighed heavily, Seokjin, ever the master of dad jokes, sensed the need to lighten the mood. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he cleared his throat dramatically, earning curious glances from both Taehyung and Jimin.

"Hey, Tae," Seokjin began, his voice carrying a hint of theatricality, "did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?"

Taehyung's eyebrow arched, a sign of his interest being involuntarily stirred. "No, what about it?"

Seokjin grinned widely. "Great food, no atmosphere!"

Jimin chuckled at the cheesy punchline, while Taehyung couldn't help but crack a smile, the tension in the room dissipating ever so slightly.

Seokjin, encouraged by the response, continued with his onslaught of dad jokes. "And did you hear about the kidnapping at the bakery?"

Taehyung shook his head, playing along. "No, what happened?"

"They took the dough!" Seokjin exclaimed, his laughter infectious as the absurdity of the joke sank in.

Despite himself, Taehyung found himself laughing along with his friends, the weight of the earlier confrontation momentarily forgotten in the midst of Seokjin's ridiculous humor.

But soon atmosphere was interrupted by the arrival of Taehyung's father. A heavy silence fell over the room, with tension breaking through the air like static electricity. Taehyung's expression changed barely, his usual warmth replaced by a guarded facade as he braced himself for the coming interaction.

Seokjin, ever the mediator, attempted to start the conversation by positively recounting Taehyung's recent success in securing a major business deal. 

"Hey, Dad, you won't believe it! Tae just closed a huge deal today," Seokjin exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

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