Chapter 8

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Taehyung's heart swelled with a mix of relief and apprehension as he finally found someone willing to enter a marriage contract with him. However, his joy quickly turned to uncertainty when he realized that the person was none other than Enwoo, one of Jungkook's close friends.

Enwoo and Jungkook's POV-

Enwoo's heart was heavy with the weight of his father's expectations as he approached Jungkook for assistance. He knew he had to tell his friend the truth about his situation, and how his father was pressuring him into marrying Taehyung, despite Enwoo's feelings for someone else.

Jungkook listened intently, his brow furrowing with concern as Enwoo poured out his heart. He could sense the turmoil and conflict within his friend, the weight of his father's expectations bearing down on him.

"I can't do this, Jungkook," Enwoo said, his voice trembling with emotion. "I love someone else, and I can't bear the thought of marrying Taehyung when my heart belongs to someone else."

Jungkook felt a surge of empathy for Enwoo, knowing all too well the pain of being forced into a situation against one's will. He reached out, placing a comforting hand on Enwoo's shoulder.

"I'm here for you, Enwoo," Jungkook said softly. "You shouldn't have to sacrifice your happiness for the sake of others' expectations. We'll figure this out together."

Enwoo's eyes filled with gratitude as he looked at Jungkook, grateful for his friend's unwavering support. In that moment, he felt a glimmer of hope , a belief that with Jungkook by his side, he could find the courage to stand up to his father and fight for his own happiness.

Taehyung's heart pounded with a mix of concern and frustration as he learned that Enwoo had run away from home. He knew that his friend's disappearance must be related to Jungkook, and anger boiled within him at the thought of Jungkook's involvement.

Without a second thought, Taehyung raced to his car, owards Jungkook for causing his friend to flee. Ignoring the traffic laws, he speed through the streets, his determination to find Jungkook overriding any other concerns.

As he drove, Taehyung's mind raced with questions and emotions. Why had Enwoo run away? What had Jungkook done to cause him to flee? With each passing moment, Taehyung's anger grew, fueling his determination.

Taehyung's anger surged as he finally spotted Jungkook walking home after his shift. Without hesitation, he pulled his car to a stop and stormed towards Jungkook, his emotions boiling over.

Grabbing Jungkook roughly, he pinned him against the nearest wall, his grip tight and unforgiving. Jungkook winced in pain, but Taehyung's anger drowned out any concern.

"What did you do to Enwoo?" Taehyung demanded, his voice laced with fury. "Why did he run away?"

Jungkook met Taehyung's gaze, his own eyes burning with defiance despite the discomfort of Taehyung's hold. "I didn't do anything to him," he protested, his voice strained with the effort of speaking through the pain. "He came to me for help."

Taehyung's grip tightened even further at Jungkook's words, his frustration reaching a breaking point. "Help? Help with what?" he snapped, his patience wearing thin.

Jungkook winced as Taehyung's hold grew even more painful, but he refused to back down. "His father was forcing him to marry you," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Enwoo loves someone else, and he couldn't bear the thought of marrying you against his will."

Jungkook winced as Taehyung's grip tightened, the pain shooting through his arms. Despite the discomfort, he held Taehyung's gaze steadily, determined to make him understand.

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