Chapter 6

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Taehyung walked down the hallway towards his grandfather's study, a place that always held an air of mystery and respect. His grandfather seldom came out of that room, yet he managed all the business work from there. Taehyung knocked gently and waited for the familiar voice.

"Come in, Taehyung," his grandfather called.

Taehyung entered and was greeted by the sight of his grandfather sitting by his large wooden desk, papers neatly arranged and a cup of tea steaming beside him. The old man looked up, his eyes lighting up with warmth and affection.

"Grandpa!" Taehyung said, moving forward to give him a hug.

His grandfather hugged him back tightly. "Taehyung, my boy. It's so good to see you. Come, sit down. We have much to talk about."

They settled into their chairs, and Taehyung felt a wave of comfort wash over him. His grandfather's presence had always been a source of strength and wisdom.

"How have you been, Grandpa?" Taehyung asked.

"I've been well, just keeping busy with the business as usual," his grandfather replied with a smile. "But I've been thinking a lot about the future, and that's why I asked you to come."

The conversation started warmly, with stories and updates, but soon his grandfather's expression turned serious.

"Taehyung," his grandfather began, looking him directly in the eyes, "you know how much trust I have in you. More than your father, in fact."

Taehyung nodded, sensing the gravity of his grandfather's words.

"Your father has failed to be the son I had hoped he would be," his grandfather continued. "That's why I've decided to pass all my properties to my grandchildren, you"

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise. "But Grandpa, what about Jin Hyung?"

His grandfather sighed. "Unfortunately, Jin is not interested in these things. He prefers his own path, and I respect that. So, everything I have is yours, Taehyung. But, there are conditions." 

Taehyung leaned in, his heart pounding. "Conditions?"

"Yes," his grandfather said firmly. "First, you must continue to run the family business with the integrity and dedication it deserves. Second, you need to prove that you can handle the responsibility ,not just financially, but also by showing compassion and leadership. And lastly, you must not let this power change who you are. Always remember the values I've taught you."

Taehyung took a deep breath, processing the weight of his grandfather's words. "I understand, Grandpa. I'll do my best to honor your trust and meet your conditions."

His grandfather's stern expression softened into a proud smile. "I know you will, Taehyung. That's why I chose you. I believe in you."

As the conversation continued, Taehyung's grandfather leaned forward, his expression more serious than before. "Taehyung, there's one more condition that is perhaps the most important of all," he said slowly.

Taehyung looked at his grandfather, curious and a bit apprehensive. "What is it, Grandpa?"

His grandfather took a deep breath. "You have to get married."

Taehyung was taken aback. "Get married? But why, Grandpa?"

"Taehyung, look at Jin. He has someone special in his life, and Jimin is happy with Yoongi. They have partners who support and love them," his grandfather explained. "I want the same for you. A partner who will stand by your side, support you, and love you unconditionally."

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