Chapter 36

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As Jungkook stirred awake, the soft light filtering through the curtains cast a gentle glow over the room. He blinked sleepily, his mind still foggy with remnants of dreams, but as his senses gradually sharpened, he became acutely aware of his surroundings.

And then it hit him.

He was wrapped in Tae's embrace, their bodies nestled close, their faces mere inches apart. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat as he realized the intimacy of their position. Heat rushed to his cheeks, a blush staining his cheeks as he felt a surge of shyness wash over him.

 Heat rushed to his cheeks, a blush staining his cheeks as he felt a surge of shyness wash over him

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Tae's features were softened in sleep, his expression peaceful and serene. Jungkook couldn't help but admire him, the way the morning light played across his features, highlighting the curve of his jawline and the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

In that moment, all the tension and animosity that had lingered between them seemed to melt away. There was something undeniably comforting about being held in Tae's arms, something that made Jungkook's heart flutter with a strange mixture of nervousness and warmth.

He found himself tracing the lines of Tae's face with his eyes, committing every detail to memory—the slope of his nose, the curve of his lips, the faint freckles dusting his cheeks. It was as if he was seeing Tae for the first time, truly seeing him, and the realization filled him with a sense of wonder.

As Jungkook lay there, lost in reverie, he felt a flutter of anticipation in his chest. He didn't know what the future held for them, or if they would ever be able to bridge the gap that lay between them, but in that fleeting moment, he allowed himself to hope.

Hope for understanding. Hope for forgiveness. Hope for a future where they could be more than just two strangers bound by circumstance.

And no so long tae opened his eyes slightly and his eyes soon met with jungkook and the position they were in ....

In that quiet, intimate moment, as their eyes met, time seemed to stand still. Jungkook felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him, his heart pounding in his chest as he gazed into Tae's eyes. There was something indescribable in that gaze, something that made Jungkook's breath catch in his throat.

Tae's eyes held a depth of emotion that Jungkook couldn't quite decipher—there was longing, uncertainty, and perhaps a hint of vulnerability hidden beneath the surface. It was as if Tae was laying bare his soul, allowing Jungkook to see the raw, unfiltered truth of his emotions.

For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the air thick with unspoken words and unspoken promises. It was a silent exchange, a conversation that transcended language and defied explanation. In that moment, Jungkook felt a connection—a bond that stretched beyond the confines of their turbulent relationship.

But as quickly as it had begun, the moment passed. Reality came crashing back, and Jungkook tore his gaze away, breaking the spell that had enveloped them. He scrambled to extricate himself from Tae's embrace, the weight of their proximity suddenly too much to bear.

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