chapter 22

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As they stepped back inside, the lively chatter filled the Kim mansion. Jimin was lounging on the couch, watching TV. The others were scattered around, busy with their own activities. Suddenly, the news channel flashed with a headline about Taehyung's engagement.

"Breaking News: Kim Taehyung Engaged! Who is the Mystery Man?" the announcer's voice boomed.

Everyone turned their attention to the TV, listening carefully. The reporters were buzzing with curiosity about Jungkook, speculating about his background and full name. Some praised his stunning looks, while others expressed skepticism and even disdain.

"Who is he, anyway? Just some nobody," one commentator sneered.

"But look at him! He's gorgeous. Taehyung must have seen something special in him," another remarked.

Jungkook's face flushed with a mix of emotions—embarrassment, anxiety, and a touch of pride. He glanced at Taehyung, who maintained his composed demeanor, though a flicker of annoyance crossed his features.

Jimin, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood. "Well, they got one thing right—Jungkook is a real looker," he said with a grin, trying to lift Jungkook's spirits.

Taehyung smirked, giving a subtle nod. "Let's see what they say after the wedding. They'll know his name soon enough," he said, his tone confident yet hinting at the protective side he rarely showed.

Jungkook felt a wave of anxiety wash over him as the news played on. He couldn't bear to listen to any more of the speculations about him, so he quietly slipped away from the room, heading towards the garden where he could gather his thoughts.

Taehyung noticed Jungkook's sudden departure and, sensing something was wrong, followed him outside. He found Jungkook standing by a tree, his back turned, shoulders tense.

"Jungkook," Taehyung called out, his voice sharper than usual. "What's going on with you? Why did you leave like that?"

Jungkook turned to face Taehyung, his expression hardened. "Why do you care so much, Taehyung? It's not like this marriage is real. It's just a contract."

Taehyung's eyes narrowed, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "Because it matters, Jungkook. People will ask questions. My family, the media... they need answers. And so do I."

Jungkook scoffed, crossing his arms defensively. "And what if I don't want to share? My past is my business, not yours."

Taehyung stepped closer, his voice low and tense. "You can't keep secrets from me, not if we're supposed to pull off this marriage. I need to know who you are, Jungkook. Your real name, your family... everything."

Jungkook clenched his fists, his jaw tight. "You don't need to know anything. I'm here to fulfill my part of the deal, nothing more."

Taehyung's patience snapped. "Enough with this attitude, Jungkook! You will tell me what I need to know, or this whole charade will fall apart."

Jungkook glared at him, his voice icy. "Then let it fall apart. I don't care. This was your idea, not mine. If you think threatening me will work, you're wrong."

Before Taehyung could respond, Jungkook turned on his heel and stormed back into the house, leaving Taehyung standing there, seething.

Inside, Jungkook headed straight to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Taehyung stood in the garden for a moment, his mind racing. Why did Jungkook always shut down when someone asked about his past? Determined to get answers, he ran inside and followed Jungkook to his room.

He knocked on the door, trying to keep his frustration in check. "Jungkook, open up. We need to talk."

There was silence on the other side. Taehyung knocked again, more insistently. "Jungkook, I said open the door damnit!!!"

Taehyung stood in the hallway, his frustration mounting as he knocked on Jungkook's door again. "Jungkook, I'm saying this last time don't provoke me , open the door."

From the other side of the door, Jungkook's voice came, sharp and defensive. "Leave me alone, Taehyung. You don't need to know anything about my past."

Taehyung clenched his fists, trying to keep his cool. "I do need to know, Jungkook. We're about to get married, and people are asking questions. I need to have answers."

Jungkook's reply was cold. "I said leave me alone. It's none of your business."

Taehyung's anger flared. "How can it not be my business when we're supposed to be in this together? You can't just shut me out."

The door remained closed. Taehyung sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Fine. But this isn't over, Jungkook. We will talk about this."

He turned and walked away, his mind racing with questions. Why was Jungkook so secretive about his past? What was he hiding? And how was Taehyung supposed to deal with the scrutiny of the media and his family without any answers? What about his reputation? he was questioning his decision .

As he  started walking back to his room, Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Jungkook's story than he was letting on. Determined to find out the truth, he made a mental note to dig deeper. This was too important to leave unresolved.

On his way , Taehyung found Ji Ah sitting in her room, playing with her toys. He sat down beside her, trying to appear as casual as possible. "Hey, Ji Ah, can I ask you something?"

Ji Ah looked up at him with wide eyes, nodding. "Sure, Tae." 

As Taehyung  proceed "Ji Ah, can you tell me your full name? Like, your last name?"

Ji Ah blinked, a little puzzled by the sudden question. "Um, it's Ji Ah Lee (Yi) Tae Tae. Why do you want to know?"

Taehyung's mind raced with thoughts. "Lee... Lee," he repeated quietly to himself. Then it hit him like a bolt of lightning. "Jungkook's last name is also Lee," he said to himself.

"Can I ask you one more thing Ji Ah "  he again asked .

Ji Ah looked up again while nodding. "Sure, Tae Tae."

He smiled softly at the nickname she gave him. "Do you remember anything about your parents? Like, what they were like?"

Ji Ah's expression turned serious, and she shook her head slowly. "Not really, Tae Tae. They've been gone for a long time, right? I was too little to remember much."

Taehyung's heart sank at her response, but he kept his tone gentle. "Yeah, they've been gone for a while. I was just wondering if you remembered anything special about them."

Ji Ah thought for a moment before brightening up. "But we have each other, right? And you take care of me like a big brother!"

Taehyung's heart swelled with affection for Ji Ah. "That's right, Ji Ah. We'll always have each other."

But even as he said the words, Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling of unease. If Ji Ah didn't remember anything about their parents, who could he turn to for answers about their past? He knew he needed to find out more, but he also knew he had to tread carefully, especially with Ji Ah's delicate health.

Soon it was dinner time, The atmosphere at dinner was lively as usual, with everyone engaged in chatter and laughter. However, Taehyung couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as he noticed Jungkook's silence throughout the meal. Despite his curiosity, Taehyung decided against bringing up any sensitive topics, knowing that tomorrow held significant events for both of them. Instead, he focused on enjoying the moment with his family, silently hoping that Jungkook would open up to him in due time.

Hope you like it!

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