Chapter 3

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In the sanctuary of the bathroom, Scarlett extends a compassionate hand to Moon, her soothing words a balm to the turmoil raging within her. As they work together to clean up the remnants of the chaotic encounter, Scarlett's kindness knows no bounds, her gesture of goodwill extending to offering Moon a fresh set of clothes and shoes.

"Don't worry about Francisco, he's just immature," Scarlett reassures Moon, her voice gentle yet firm as she seeks to comfort her troubled friend. "I've never seen Juan act like that. You must be important to him."

Moon's heart flutters at Scarlett's words, a tumultuous mix of emotions swirling within her. "Me? No, no, I'm not," she stammers, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the mere suggestion. "Thank you, Scarlett... for the clean clothes and shoes."

With a grateful smile, Moon bids farewell to Scarlett and makes her way out of the bathroom, her steps faltering slightly as she navigates the crowded halls of the school. Jeremy's concerned voice breaks through her reverie, his worried expression reflecting the depth of his concern as he rushes to her side.

But before Moon can respond, a wave of dizziness washes over her, her vision blurring as the world spins out of control. And then, with a soft thud, she collapses into Jeremy's waiting arms, the weight of the day's events finally taking its toll on her weary body.

As Moon slowly regains consciousness in the familiar surroundings of her home, she finds herself enveloped in a haze of confusion and disorientation. Her parents hover anxiously by her side, their worried expressions a stark contrast to the serene tranquility of their home. A knock at the door interrupts the solemn atmosphere, drawing Moon's attention as her parents rush to answer it. To her surprise, standing on the doorstep is none other than Fransisco, his tall, handsome figure casting a shadow against the soft glow of the evening light. Moon's parents welcome Francisco inside with open arms, extending an invitation for him to join them for dinner. Though reluctant, Moon acquiesces to her parents' wishes, her demeanor passive-aggressive as she reluctantly takes her seat at the table.

Throughout the meal, tension hangs thick in the air, the strained silence punctuated only by the occasional clinking of cutlery against porcelain. Fransisco attempts to engage Moon in conversation, but her responses are curt and guarded, her walls firmly in place as she struggles to mask her lingering resentment. Finally, as the evening draws to a close, Fransisco rises to take his leave. Moon's parents insist that she accompany him to the door, a gesture meant to convey their gratitude for his visit. Reluctantly, Moon complies, her steps heavy as she follows Francisco to the door. But as he reaches out to feel her forehead, a pang of defiance surges within her, and she instinctively recoils, her body tensing at his touch. Yet Francisco persists, his actions driven by concern as he seeks to ensure her well-being. Despite her protests, his touch lingers, his fingers brushing gently against her skin as he checks for any sign of fever.

As Fransisco returns home, his mind swirls with a multitude of thoughts and plans. His butler hands him the tickets for his upcoming trip, but Fransisco dismisses them with a wave of his hand, his mind already occupied with a better idea taking shape. The following day, Moon and Jeremy set out for a peaceful fishing excursion, only to stumble upon a grand ship anchored at the dock. To their surprise, they spot F4, Scarlett, and a bevy of other guests on board, the sound of laughter and music drifting across the water. Scarlett's eyes light up with delight at the sight of Moon, and she wastes no time in extending a warm invitation to the evening's festivities.

"Don't worry, I will make sure he doesn't pick on you," Scarlett reassures Moon, her sincerity evident in her words as she leads her newfound friend to her quarters to prepare for the evening ahead. As Scarlett assists Moon in preparing for the evening's festivities, their conversation drifts to lighter topics, and Scarlett extends a heartfelt invitation to her upcoming birthday celebration.

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