Chapter 5

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The next morning, Moon awoke in her own bed, her head throbbing with the remnants of her drunken escapade. Her mother informed her that Francisco had been the one to ensure her safe return home the previous night. Still feeling the effects of her hangover, Moon trudged through her morning routine before heading off to school with Jeremy. At lunchtime, they found Sophia looking unusually pale and unwell. Concerned, they sat with her, but Sophia abruptly excused herself and left. Once Moon finished her meal, she decided to wander the school grounds, attempting to shake off the lingering effects of her hangover. As she roamed the hallways, lost in her thoughts, Fransisco suddenly appeared before her, his presence catching her off guard.

Fransisco's words cut through the haze of Moon's thoughts, his tone accusatory and his demeanor tense. "You were so drunk last night," he began, his voice tinged with irritation. "You said so many things. Scarlett is leaving again, is that why you're happy? Do you think you can be with Juan now?" With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Moon standing there, her mind swirling with confusion and uncertainty.

Moon approached Juan on the rooftop, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "Aren't you sad she is leaving?" she asked softly.

Juan sighed, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Yes, but what can I do?" he replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "She's strong-willed. Once she decides something, nothing can stop her."

When I heard Scarlett is going to Paris I felt a sudden flash of happiness. I thought maybe while she was gone, Juan would forget about her and notice who's right here. But right now those selfish thoughts are out of the window. This is the first time I've seen Juan so depressed, deep down I wasn't happy either.

Moon approached Scarlett with a heavy heart, her words hesitant. "Thanks for coming to my party, Moon," Scarlett said warmly.

"No problem, but do you have to leave? Juan would miss you," Moon pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.

Scarlett's expression softened, but her resolve remained firm. "I already made up my mind," she replied gently.

Unable to accept Scarlett's decision, Moon felt a surge of frustration and sadness. Before she could utter another word, Juan's voice cut through the air, filled with anger.

"Who do you think you are? It's none of your business," he snapped, his words like a dagger to Moon's heart.

"But I..." Moon began, her voice trembling with emotion, but Juan's harsh interruption silenced her. "Shut up," he yelled, his tone cutting and final.

Feeling utterly defeated, Moon's heart shattered into a million pieces. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she turned and ran away, fleeing from the pain of rejection and humiliation.

As Juan ascended to the rooftop, the weight of his emotions burdened his every step. Memories flooded his mind, transporting him back to a simpler time, a time when Scarlett's comforting words provided solace in moments of distress. The flashback enveloped him, painting a vivid picture of a younger Juan seeking solace from his troubles.

"If you're ever sad, just do a handstand," Scarlett's gentle voice echoed in his ears, a bittersweet reminder of her unwavering support. "So your tears won't fall."

Tears welled up in Juan's eyes as he reminisced about Scarlett's words, their significance resonating deeply within him. With a heavy heart, he followed her advice, lowering himself into a handstand position. As he inverted his body, a wave of emotion swept over him, mingling with the tumultuous currents of his thoughts and feelings.

As they stood amidst the bustling chaos of the airport, Moon, Jeremy, Fredrick, Brandon, and Fransisco anxiously awaited Scarlett's departure. The air was thick with emotion, each of them grappling with their own thoughts and feelings as they prepared to bid farewell to their dear friend.

Moments stretched into eternity until finally, Scarlett emerged from the crowd, her presence a beacon of warmth and reassurance amidst the sea of strangers. Despite the heaviness in their hearts, they mustered smiles to greet her, masking the sorrow that threatened to overwhelm them.

"Take care, guys," Scarlett's voice, tinged with a hint of sadness, broke the solemn silence. Her words hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the impending separation that loomed before them.

One by one, they stepped forward to embrace Scarlett, their hugs imbued with a sense of longing and nostalgia. As they held onto her, they cherished the fleeting moments of connection, etching them into their memories to be cherished long after she had departed. With a final wave and a heartfelt goodbye, Scarlett turned to leave, her figure gradually fading into the distance as she disappeared into the throng of travelers.

As they gathered at the airport, Juan's belated arrival sparked a flurry of emotions among the group. Moon wasted no time confronting him, her words carrying a mixture of frustration and encouragement.

"Why were you hiding? Are you satisfied seeing her go like that? What kind of man are you?" Moon's voice rang out, cutting through the air with a sharpness that mirrored her disappointment. "People like you have no idea how hard people work. But Scarlett is brave enough to find her own path. Why can't you man up and go after the person you like? Go after her if you really like her. Follow her wherever she goes."

Juan's response was unexpected yet decisive. With a determined look in his eyes, he produced his passport and a ticket, revealing his intention to pursue Scarlett to Paris. Before he departed, Juan shared a tender moment with Moon, planting a kiss on her forehead as a gesture of gratitude for her insight and support. As Juan walked away, a sense of anticipation filled the air, accompanied by a newfound sense of hope for his pursuit of love. Meanwhile, Fransisco's reaction was one of shock and annoyance, his usual composure momentarily shaken by Juan's bold move. Brandon and Fredrick intervened, holding him back as they watched Juan's plane take off into the sky. As the aircraft soared overhead, Fransisco approached Moon, his words drowned out by the roar of the passing plane.

The next day, Moon and Jeremy both received a notification specifying a date and time for the challenge they had been anticipating. However, upon arrival, they realized that neither of them knew how to play Bridge, prompting them to opt for a simpler card game instead. Despite their best efforts, F4 emerged victorious, thanks in part to Brandon's impressive memory of the cards. With Jeremy escorted out of the room by Brandon and Fredrick, Moon found herself alone with Fransisco, who wasted no time in making a demand.

"What do you want?" Moon asked, her tone tinged with skepticism.

"You have to take me out to dinner," Fransisco replied, his expression unreadable.

Moon's initial reaction was one of disbelief, but she quickly composed herself and left, silently resolving not to show up for the dinner date she had been unexpectedly roped into.

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