Chapter 4

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"Hey, do you want some grilled squid?" Fransisco's voice echoed down the hallway as he knocked on each door, rousing everyone from their slumber. "Wake up, everyone," he called out, his tone lighthearted as he urged his friends to join him. Juan emerged from his room, his gaze falling upon the clothes strewn on the floor, a silent acknowledgment passing between him and Moon. Despite the weight of their unspoken conversation, Juan made his way to join the others, a small smile playing on his lips as he greeted them.

As they gathered around to enjoy the grilled squid, Moon found herself retreating to a quiet corner, her thoughts still swirling with the events of the previous night. Juan noticed her sitting alone, sipping on her juice, and approached her with a gentle smile.

"What are you drinking?" Juan inquired, his voice soft and reassuring. Moon's gaze met his, filled with a mixture of guilt and uncertainty. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." she began, her words trailing off as she struggled to find the right explanation.

"It's fine," Juan interrupted, his tone gentle as he offered her understanding and forgiveness. With a nod of gratitude, Moon watched as Juan made his way to the piano, his fingers dancing across the keys in a melodious tune.

Meanwhile, Fransisco noticed Juan sitting alone and approached him with a plate of grilled squid, a peace offering extended between friends. As they shared a meal together, the tension of the previous night began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and reconciliation.

The next morning, Fransisco awoke with a renewed sense of excitement, his thoughts consumed by the memory of his unexpected kiss with Moon. Eager to see her again, he hurriedly prepared for school, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he imagined their next encounter. Meanwhile, Moon made her way to the rooftop, seeking solace in the quiet sanctuary above the bustling city below. To her surprise, she found Juan already there, lost in the act of sketching a picture of Scarlett. Despite his self-deprecating remarks about his artistic abilities, Moon couldn't help but admire his work, offering him words of encouragement. As they chatted, a playful gust of wind swept across the rooftop, sending flecks of chalk swirling through the air. Moon watched as a few stray particles landed in Juan's hair, prompting her to reach out instinctively to brush them away. Their close proximity sparked a fleeting moment of intimacy, a shared connection forged in the simple act of kindness. Unbeknownst to them, May and Jae observed their interaction from across the street, their curiosity piqued by the unfolding scene. With a mischievous grin, they aimed their camera phones at the pair, capturing the moment for posterity. Little did they know, their recording would soon become the subject of much speculation and gossip among their peers.

May and Jae marched into the cafeteria, determination etched on their faces as they approached the table where Francisco, Brandon, and Fredrick were seated. With a solemn expression, May addressed the trio, her voice tinged with regret.

"I'm sorry my classmate is being rude to you, but it seems like she is playing you and Juan at the same time," May said, her tone laced with sympathy as she presented her phone, displaying the incriminating video for all to see.

Fransisco's temper flared at the sight of the footage, his frustration boiling over into a fit of rage. With a swift motion, he snatched the phone from May's grasp and hurled it to the ground, the screen shattering upon impact. The sudden outburst sent shockwaves through the cafeteria, drawing curious gazes from nearby students. Meanwhile, Moon quietly departed from the rooftop, her mind preoccupied with the events of the day. As she made her way to her locker, she took a moment to compose herself before extending an invitation to Scarlett's birthday party to Jeremy and Sophia.

Moon's heart raced as she found herself cornered against the wall, Fransisco's anger radiating off him like a tangible force. She tried to maintain her composure, her mind racing for a way to defuse the situation.

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