Chapter 21

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Moon and Juan watched from a distance, their presence hidden by the shadows as they observed the tense exchange between Francisco and Maya. Moon's heart clenched with a mixture of sadness and frustration, her gaze fixed on Fransisco as he reluctantly kissed Maya in a bid to appease her.

"You said you would accept to date me, how do I know you like me?" Maya's voice rang out, her tone tinged with uncertainty and frustration.

Fransisco's response was tinged with irritation as he replied, "How do I prove it?"

Moon felt a surge of anger rise within her at Fransisco's callousness, his actions serving as a painful reminder of the distance that had grown between them. She clenched her fists, the urge to confront him bubbling beneath the surface, but Juan's hand on her shoulder held her back.

"Kiss me," Maya demanded, her voice firm and unwavering.

Fransisco hesitated for a moment, his expression betraying a hint of reluctance before he leaned in to comply with Maya's request. The kiss was brief but suffused with tension, a silent acknowledgment of the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

As Fransisco pulled away, Moon's heart sank, a heavy weight settling in the pit of her stomach. She exchanged a glance with Juan, their shared concern palpable in the air between them. Despite the facade of indifference he often presented, Juan's expression mirrored her own, reflecting the depth of their shared anguish at witnessing the deterioration of their friend's relationship.

As Moon and Juan sat at the cafe, their minds preoccupied with the events of the previous day, they were startled when Francisco and Maya walked in. Maya's cheerful demeanor seemed to contrast sharply with the tension that lingered between Moon and Francisco.

"Hey, guys! Fancy meeting you here," Maya exclaimed, her smile bright and inviting.

Fransisco hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between Moon and Juan before he nodded in acknowledgment. "Yeah, what a coincidence," he replied, his tone lacking its usual warmth.

Maya wasted no time in extending an invitation to the group. "We're heading to a sauna later. You guys should come with us!" she suggested, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Despite Moon's initial reluctance, Juan convinced her to join them, hoping that a change of scenery might help alleviate some of the tension that had been building between their group.

Several hours later, they arrived at the hot springs, the tranquil atmosphere soothing their frayed nerves. As they settled in, Moon began to feel lightheaded, the heat of the sauna overwhelming her senses. She stumbled and collapsed next to Maya, her vision blurring as darkness threatened to engulf her.

Fransisco's heart raced with alarm as Maya called out for help, her voice filled with panic. Rushing to Moon's side, he was surprised to find Juan already there, offering assistance to his fallen friend.

Fransisco's eyes widened in surprise and a twinge of jealousy flickered within him as he watched Juan tend to Moon with care and concern. Despite his conflicting emotions, he couldn't deny the sense of relief that washed over him knowing that Moon was in good hands.

As Juan remained faithfully by Moon's side, tending to her needs with gentle care, Fransisco found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the scene unfolding between Maya and himself in the other room. Maya's attempts at affection were met with Fransisco's cold indifference, his discomfort palpable as he avoided her advances.

"I don't actually like you, Maya," Fransisco confessed, his voice tinged with frustration.

But Maya remained undeterred, her determination unwavering. "It doesn't matter, because I do," she retorted, her voice filled with resolve.

Their exchange quickly escalated into a heated argument, with Francisco and Maya trading barbs and accusations. In a moment of frustration, Maya lunged at Fransisco, catching him off guard and causing a commotion that drew Moon's attention.

Moon hurried to the scene, her heart heavy with unease as she witnessed the discord unfolding before her. The sight of Fransisco and Maya's altercation only served to deepen her sense of dismay and discomfort.

The following day, Moon found herself sitting by the pool, lost in thought, her mind still reeling from the events of the previous night. Francisco approached her, his expression solemn as he delivered unexpected news.

"I'm leaving. I'm going home," Francisco announced, his tone heavy with resignation.

Moon's heart sank at his words, a mixture of disappointment and sadness washing over her. As Fransisco turned to leave, Moon couldn't shake the feeling of regret that settled in the pit of her stomach.

Meanwhile, Maya was grappling with her own emotions, haunted by the memories of her confrontation with Fransisco. In the quiet solitude of her room, she found herself replaying their heated exchange, her thoughts consumed by Fransisco's admission that his heart belonged to Moon.

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