Chapter 20

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Amelia, Fransisco's determined and relentless mother, had finally reached her breaking point. With her son's stubbornness refusing to yield to her plans, she took matters into her own hands and arranged for Fransisco to be married, orchestrating the engagement ceremony herself. To add insult to injury, she invited Moon to witness the event, a move intended to further solidify her control over her son's life.

Fransisco, fueled by a mix of defiance and impulsiveness, decided to make a run for it, intending to escape the confines of the suffocating engagement. In his haste, he reached out to grab Moon, hoping to take her along with him. But as he turned to look, he realized with dismay that he had grabbed the wrong girl.

Standing beside him was Maya, the unsuspecting participant in his arranged engagement, her presence now complicating matters even further. Moon, hurt by Fransisco's mistake and the realization of his impending marriage, couldn't hide her disappointment. As Fransisco attempted to explain himself, Maya unexpectedly confessed her feelings for him, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

Feeling utterly betrayed and heartbroken, Moon turned away and walked off, unable to bear the sight of Francisco with another woman. But Maya, displaying a surprising depth of understanding, caught up to her and extended an olive branch, seeking to mend the rift between them. With her gentle persuasion and genuine sincerity, Maya convinced Moon to set aside their differences and forge a friendship, even enlisting her help in winning Fransisco's heart.

Fransisco's arrival home, drenched and visibly shaken, raised concern among the members of F4. Brandon and Fredrick, puzzled by his appearance, tried to probe for answers, but Fransisco remained tight-lipped, retreating to the solitude of his room without explanation.

The following day, Brandon and Fredrick, determined to lift Maya's spirits and distract her from Fransisco, spent the day with her. Despite their efforts to engage her in various activities and provide a welcome distraction, Maya's thoughts remained preoccupied with Fransisco. Despite their best intentions, Brandon and Fredrick found themselves at a loss, unable to fully ease Maya's concerns or redirect her focus away from Fransisco.

Later that day, Amelia, wearing a facade of concern, invited Juan over to her opulent residence. "Some unfortunate things happened on Fransisco's birthday. I wasn't able to contact you after," she stated, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency.

Juan, though puzzled by the sudden summons, replied, "Why did you call me over here?"

"I watched you two grow up," Amelia began, her tone measured yet laden with implication. "I contacted Scarlett's family; they said she won't be back anytime soon."

A furrow formed on Juan's brow. "Why do you say that?"

"Actually, I heard about you and Moon," Amelia continued, her words calculated. "Moon used to like you but couldn't get your affections, so she went on to Francisco."

Juan's eyes widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and skepticism evident in his gaze. "I think you misunderstood. Moon likes Francisco."

"You know Fransisco's personality," Amelia pressed on, her voice taking on a more persuasive tone. "Like how you two were younger and he took your toy, he'll probably get tired of Moon and dump her. I heard your family has been having financial troubles lately. I'm thinking if I help you, you and Moon can be together."

Juan's expression hardened as he processed Amelia's insinuations. "My dad will handle it, and I trust Francisco with Moon more than I trust you. As far as Moon, I'll protect her as my friend. We all know Fransisco; the more you try to break them, it'll only help them. I'll get going," Juan asserted firmly before turning to leave, his resolve unshaken by Amelia's manipulative tactics.

Moon arrived home, her mind still swirling with the unsettling conversation she had with Amelia. As she approached her door, she froze in surprise to find Maya standing there, an unexpected sight that added to her already tumultuous day.

"Maya? What are you doing here?" Moon questioned, her voice laced with confusion and a hint of apprehension.

Maya's expression was a mixture of nervousness and determination as she replied, "I need to talk to you, Moon. It's about Fransisco."

Moon's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Fransisco's name, her mind racing with worry and uncertainty. "What about him?" she asked, her voice betraying her anxiety.

With a hesitant sigh, Maya hesitated before speaking. "He... he actually accepted to date me," she admitted, her words hanging heavy in the air between them.

Moon felt as though the ground had shifted beneath her feet, her world tilting off its axis at Maya's revelation. The words echoed in her mind, a painful reminder of the fragile nature of her connection with Fransisco.

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