Chapter 16

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As the group settled into their cozy retreat in Canada, they revealed in the beauty of the snow-covered landscape, enjoying each other's company and the thrill of adventure. Laughter echoed through the cabin as they shared stories and bonded over cups of hot cocoa, basking in the warmth of friendship amidst the winter chill. However, their carefree atmosphere was shattered when Moon realized that Mira had been missing for some time. Concern etched her features as she frantically searched the house, calling out Mira's name with increasing urgency. With each passing moment, her anxiety mounted, fueled by the thought of her friend being alone in the midst of a snowstorm.

"Where's Mira?" Moon's voice trembled with worry as she addressed the group, her eyes darting around the room in search of any sign of her friend. May and Jae exchanged nervous glances, unsure of Mira's whereabouts.

"I thought she went outside," May offered hesitantly, her voice tinged with concern.

Jae nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, I think I saw her heading towards the back door."

A surge of panic gripped Moon's heart as she processed their words. Without hesitation, she bolted towards the door, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. Juan, sensing her distress, followed closely behind, his own worry mirroring hers.

Outside, the biting cold cut through the air like a knife as Moon and Juan scanned the snowy landscape, their breaths forming clouds in the frigid air. Moon's heart pounded with fear as she called out Mira's name, her voice echoing against the silent expanse of white.

Meanwhile, back in the cabin, Fransisco's concern for Moon grew with each passing moment. His heart clenched with fear as he watched her rush outside, her figure disappearing into the swirling snow. Sensing the urgency of the situation, he sprang into action, his thoughts consumed by the need to find Moon and bring her back to safety.

"Did she not come back yet?" Fransisco's voice trembled with worry as he turned to Juan, his eyes wide with fear. His mind raced with images of Moon lost and alone in the unforgiving wilderness.

Juan's expression darkened with anger as he realized the gravity of the situation. "She went out to look for Mira," he explained tersely, his voice laced with frustration at the misunderstanding that had led to this moment.

Fransisco's heart clenched with fear at Juan's words. Without a moment's hesitation, he dashed outside, his senses heightened as he braved the elements in search of his dear friend. Each step was a battle against the biting cold and howling winds, but Fransisco refused to relent, driven by the fierce determination to find Moon and bring her back to safety, no matter the cost.

As Moon trudged through the snow, her heart pounded in her chest, matching the rhythm of her frantic footsteps. The biting cold seeped into her bones, sapping her strength with each passing moment. She called out for Mira, her voice growing weaker with every cry, but the only response was the eerie silence of the winter night. With each labored breath, Moon's vision blurred, and her limbs grew heavy as exhaustion threatened to overcome her. Her thoughts swirled in a haze of fear and confusion, her mind clouded by the numbing cold. As the minutes stretched into an eternity, Moon's movements slowed, her body succumbing to the icy grip of hypothermia. Her eyelids grew heavy, and the world around her faded into darkness as she slipped further into unconsciousness.

As tension mounted in the cabin, May's words hung heavy in the air, the weight of their implications sinking in with each passing moment. "We really did see Mira go out," they insisted, their voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I never went out," Mira interjected, her tone firm as she denied the accusation.

Jae attempted to diffuse the situation, stating, "We didn't tell Moon to go out—"

But before Jae could finish their sentence, Juan's anger erupted like a volcano, his frustration boiling over. With a swift motion, he hurled a wine glass at Jae, the sound of shattering glass punctuating the tense atmosphere.

"What's a glass of wine compared to Moon's life?" Juan's voice trembled with fury as he confronted Jae, his eyes blazing with intensity. "I don't think anything will happen to her," May interjected, her words attempting to assuage the escalating tension.

Juan's patience wore thin as he retorted, "It's minus 20 degrees outside. She's been out there for over two hours. If she gets caught in the blizzard she would be dead. You better pray Francisco finds her. Otherwise, both of you will be murderers."

"We didn't do it on purpose," May protested weakly, their voice quivering with guilt.

"Still not admitting it? How seamless," Fredrick remarked, his tone tinged with disappointment as he observed the exchange.

Mira, overwhelmed with guilt, felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. Fredrick wrapped his arms around her, offering comfort and support in the midst of the chaos, his gesture a silent reassurance that they would get through this together.

Fransisco's voice echoed into the darkness of the snowy night as he called out to Moon, his desperation palpable in every word. "Moon! Where are you?" he cried out, his voice strained with worry.

Who would've thought I would die today? I left the house this morning in such good spirits. I was so eager, how ironic. I don't want to die here. I still have many things I want to do. I still have to graduate, I want to graduate with my friends and make my parents proud. I'll go on vacation overseas with my friends. Lastly, I'll meet a man I love dearly and marry him. It won't be big or expensive but beautiful. I'll spend the rest of my life with him in happiness.

Fransisco's heart pounded with relief as he finally spotted Moon's silhouette in the swirling snow, her form huddled and barely conscious. Rushing to her side, he wrapped her in his arms, his voice a mixture of desperation and reassurance as he begged her not to fall asleep.

"Moon, stay with me," Fransisco pleaded, his hands gently shaking her shoulders in an effort to keep her awake.

With great effort, Fransisco managed to carry Moon to a nearby deserted cabin, seeking refuge from the biting cold and unforgiving elements. Inside, he did his best to keep her warm, wrapping her in blankets and holding her close as they waited for help to arrive.

Meanwhile, Juan sprang into action, calling a patrol team to assist in the search for Moon and Francisco. However, their efforts were hampered by the relentless blizzard, which made it impossible for them to venture out until the storm subsided.

Francisco and Moon were forced to spend the long, harrowing night in the cabin, their only solace the warmth of each other's presence amidst the icy grip of the winter storm. As the first light of morning broke through the clouds, patrol workers finally located the stranded duo, their relief palpable as they were rescued from the clutches of the blizzard. With Fransisco supporting Moon, they made their way back to safety, grateful to have survived the ordeal together.

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