Chapter 41

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As Francisco lay in his hospital bed, surrounded by his concerned friends and loved ones, a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes as he pretended to have lost his memory, much to Moon's dismay.

Frantically, Moon recounted cherished memories and shared experiences, hoping to jog Francisco's memory and bring him back to himself. Yet, to her surprise and relief, Francisco's memory suddenly returned, revealing that he had been playing a prank all along, much to the amusement of their friends and the chagrin of Moon.

Meanwhile, outside the hospital room, Brandon, Juan, Maya, and Fredrick gathered to discuss the recent events and reflect on the nature of love and relationships.

"It's great he's out of danger," Brandon remarked, his voice tinged with relief. "After going through griefs and tests, you'd know if you have true love. It makes you quite envious."

Fredrick shook his head in disagreement. "I don't agree. I wouldn't want to go through that."

Juan interjected, offering his perspective. "Brandon is right. Only true love can surpass those types of tests and achieve real happiness."

"Only people who have been in love know," Brandon added knowingly.

Confusion clouded Juan's expression as he questioned his own experiences. "When did I experience it?"

Fredrick's response was blunt and revealing. "He's talking about you and Scarlett. You two didn't pass your test, so your love is like porcelain. It broke with a touch."

Juan's brows furrowed in contemplation as he processed Fredrick's words. "What are you talking about? My relationship with Scarlett already turned into something more intimate than love. Loving each other but not possessing each other. Always remembering the best about each other."

Meanwhile, back at home, Moon faced a barrage of reporters at school, eager for any details about her recent ordeal. Despite the overwhelming attention, Donna assured Francisco that she wouldn't disclose anything to Amelia, respecting his privacy and wishes.

Finally, as Francisco was discharged from the hospital, he pulled Juan aside, a determined glint in his eyes as he shared his plans for him and Moon, hinting at a future filled with promise and possibility. As they talked, Francisco's resolve strengthened, determined to make things right with Moon and forge a path forward despite the obstacles they faced.

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