Chapter 9

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Fredrick and Brandon exchanged puzzled glances as they discussed the unfolding drama. "Impossible. Why would Juan be with Moon? Francisco probably misunderstood and got angry," Brandon mused, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Fredrick nodded thoughtfully. "We're buddies, why don't we just ask Juan about it?" he suggested, a hint of determination in his voice.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Juan, who casually took a seat beside them. The professor began a roll call, but their attention was diverted by Fransisco's absence.

Observing Juan's nonchalant demeanor, Brandon seized the opportunity to approach him. "Juan, let's talk," he urged, exchanging a quick glance with Fredrick.

As they stepped forward, intending to broach the sensitive topic, they were met with an unexpected sight: Francisco, standing before them with a steely expression, silently observing their every move. Without uttering a word, he simply watched, his presence casting a palpable tension over the encounter.

"I know, what is there to talk about?" Juan says, his tone betraying a hint of resignation.

Fredrick presses on, his voice tinged with concern. "Juan, what is going on? Are you dating Moon? You could've chosen someone else! Are you losing your mind after Scarlett?"

"Fredrick!" Fransisco's voice cuts through the tension as he strides closer to the trio. "Juan, listen closely. From today onward, you are no longer my friend," he declares, his words laced with finality.

Brandon interjects, his expression incredulous. "Francisco! Are you really going to kill our friendship over a girl?" he protests, his eyes darting between the two.

Francisco, still standing face to face with Juan, meets Brandon's gaze with a steely resolve. "I'm not the one who killed it. It was Juan," he retorts, before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving behind a palpable sense of discord.

Moon and Sophia stroll along the pathway, their conversation punctuated by Fransisco's conspicuous avoidance. Moon's gaze lingers on him for a moment before she continues, her thoughts consumed by the rift between them. Later, seeking solace, she ascends to the rooftop where Juan awaits. As they converse, Juan takes a bold step, asking Moon out on a date. Moon, initially taken aback, eventually agrees, intrigued by the prospect. The evening arrives, and Moon prepares herself for the outing with Juan. They set off together, the air thick with a palpable sense of nervousness.

"Sorry if I'm being awkward, Moon. This is my first date," Juan confesses, breaking the silence that hangs between them. Moon offers a reassuring smile, understanding his apprehension.

As they continue their date, however, it becomes evident that the chemistry between them isn't quite as effortless as Moon had hoped. Conversation falters, and awkward silences fill the gaps. Eventually, the evening draws to a close, and Moon hastily makes her exit, rushing off to work.

Arriving at her workplace, she confides in Mira, recounting the awkwardness of the date and seeking solace in her friend's understanding presence.

Moon's heart raced as she narrowly averted disaster, her instincts kicking in as she lunged forward to save the elderly woman from the speeding bike. Anger flared within her as she confronted the reckless rider, reprimanding him for his carelessness. But the situation escalated quickly as the man's temper flared, and Moon found herself facing his aggression. Before she could react, a woman intervened, shielding her from harm and diffusing the tension with a firm stance. With the immediate danger averted, the woman turned her attention to Moon, her concern evident as she gently led her to safety. Once they reached her home, she insisted on tending to Moon's injuries, her hands gentle yet skilled as she cleaned and bandaged the wounds. Grateful for the stranger's kindness, Moon couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected bond forged in the midst of chaos, finding solace in the compassion of a stranger in a moment of need.

Why did this lady bring me to Fransisco's house? What's her relationship with him? If he sees me...

Moon's attempts to leave were thwarted as the woman, identified as Isabella, refused to let her go. The presence of the butler, who recognized Moon from her association with Fransisco, only added to her sense of unease. Before Moon could protest further, she found herself face to face with Fransisco, his accusatory words stinging her. His sudden grip on her wrist and the discovery of her bruise caught her off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless. But their confrontation was abruptly interrupted by Isabella's swift intervention, her reprimand directed at Fransisco for his rough handling of Moon. As Isabella took charge, she extended an unexpected invitation to Moon, offering her hospitality and care. Moon couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and gratitude as Isabella whisked her away, the offer of dinner both surprising and intriguing. With Fransisco's departure noted by the butler, Moon found herself in the company of Francisco's older sister, unsure of what to expect next.

As Moon's words spilled out in her drunken state, Fransisco couldn't help but pause outside the dining room, his heart sinking with each confession that escaped her lips. The revelation of his failed attempt to pursue Moon, coupled with her unintended role in the rift between him and Juan, weighed heavily on him.

With a heavy heart, Fransisco entered the room to find Moon slumped in her chair, her words now reduced to incoherent murmurs. He gently lifted her, carrying her to a guest room where she could rest, the conflict within him evident in his troubled expression.

Meanwhile, the butler, witnessing the entire scene, took it upon himself to explain the situation to Isabella, ensuring she understood the complexities of the relationships involved. As the truth unfolded, Isabella's expression shifted from surprise to concern, her thoughts swirling with the newfound knowledge of her brother's struggles and the role Moon unwittingly played in them.

Isabella spoke, Moon listened intently, her heart softening with each word. The realization of Fransisco's upbringing shed new light on his demeanor and behavior, offering a glimpse into the struggles he endured growing up. Moon couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy for him, understanding now the layers beneath his tough exterior.

"I had no idea," Moon admitted, her voice filled with compassion. "He's always seemed so confident and strong on the outside."

Isabella nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Appearances can be deceiving. Fransisco has had to learn to fend for himself, to put on a brave face even when things were difficult. But deep down, he's just a boy who yearns for connection and understanding."

Moved by Isabella's words, Moon felt a newfound sense of understanding and empathy toward Francisco. She resolved to approach their relationship with more patience and compassion, knowing now the struggles he faced and the vulnerability he hid beneath his tough facade.

Upon reaching home, Moon was greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of her surroundings. 

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