Chapter 7

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Moon's heart raced as she entered the bustling cafeteria in search of Thomas, her mind still reeling from the events of the previous night. However, before she could locate him, Fransisco's familiar voice cut through the chatter, beckoning her to join him and the rest of F4 at their table. Surprised by his unexpected gesture of kindness, Moon hesitated for a moment before accepting his offer, settling into her seat as he handed her a lunch tray. As she began to eat, her phone suddenly buzzed with an incoming call from Thomas. Trying to maintain her composure, Moon answered nonchalantly, concealing her inner turmoil beneath a facade of casual indifference. However, Fransisco's sharp gaze didn't go unnoticed as he questioned the nature of the call, his tone laced with a hint of possessiveness.

"It's not, I gotta go," Moon responded hastily, eager to escape the mounting tension at the table. Hastily excusing herself, she hurried out of the cafeteria to meet Thomas, hoping to avoid any further confrontation with Fransisco.

Upon reaching Thomas, Moon attempted to maintain a sense of calm, but her nerves were palpable as he confessed his feelings for her, his hands gently gripping her shoulders in a gesture of sincerity. Before she could respond, however, Francisco materialized beside them, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive as he interrogated Thomas with a barrage of questions.

Caught off guard by Fransisco's sudden appearance, Moon watched in disbelief as he exchanged words with Thomas in fluent French, his demeanor shifting from amiable to confrontational in an instant. Once Thomas had departed, leaving Moon bewildered by the exchange, she turned to Fransisco for an explanation, only to be met with a shocking revelation. "What? We're not going out?" Fransisco's incredulous response echoed in her ears, leaving Moon speechless as she grappled with the realization that their relationship had been nothing more than a figment of Fransisco's imagination. With a heavy heart, she watched as he walked away, his abrupt departure leaving her feeling bewildered and betrayed.

As Moon wandered through the campus, she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that lingered in the air. Everywhere she went, she felt the weight of curious stares and hushed whispers following her every move. Unable to escape the scrutiny of her peers, she sought solace in the familiar company of Jeremy, May, and Jae, hoping to find some semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos.

However, their conversation took an unexpected turn as May and Jae recounted the events they had witnessed, their words painting a damning picture of Moon's actions. Jeremy, ever loyal and steadfast in his support, vehemently defended Moon, refusing to believe that she could be capable of such behavior.

"No way, Moon would never do that," Jeremy insisted, his voice tinged with disbelief. "There's gotta be some kind of misunderstanding."

But despite his unwavering faith in her, Moon couldn't shake the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. With each passing moment, the weight of the accusations against her grew heavier, threatening to drown out the truth and leave her stranded in a sea of uncertainty.

As Fransisco emerged from the pool, droplets of water glistening on his skin, Brandon and Fredrick exchanged a furtive glance. Brandon's eyes widened as he scrolled through his phone, stumbling upon a photo that caught both his attention and his breath. It was a picture of Moon, fast asleep in a hotel room with Thomas, her features softened by slumber, a vulnerable innocence captured in the quiet of the night.

"Hey, check this out," Brandon murmured, showing the image to Fredrick, who leaned in for a closer look. The sight of Moon, so peaceful and serene, stirred something within him, a mixture of curiosity and concern. Francisco reached out to grab his phone, a sense of urgency evident in his movements, but before he could grasp it, Brandon and Fredrick acted on impulse. In their haste, they collided with Fransisco, their combined force enough to send his phone tumbling from his grasp and into the pool with a resounding splash. Fransisco's irritation flared, evident in the sharp edge to his voice as he retrieved his waterlogged phone.

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